Author(s): Avilova I.A.

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-31-37

Release: 2023-4 (45)

Pages: 31-37

Keywords: stress, adaptation, body systems, load, working capacity, blood circulation, physical activity

Annotation: The issues of adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university deserve great interest. The relevance of the problem is due to the need to study and understand the processes of active adaptation and adaptive mechanisms of the body, due to both physical and psychological factors. Physical activity, stress, fatigue of a physical and psychological nature affect the adaptive capabilities of the body. Overstrain of regulatory systems can cause disruption of adaptation with the appearance and development of all kinds of pathological processes and diseases. It was found that adequate reactions of all body systems to various types of loads have a positive effect on the adaptive capabilities of the body, protecting it from the likelihood of an adaptive breakdown. The purpose of the study was the possibility of using functional state con- trol technologies to determine the adaptive capabilities of the students’ body in relation to loads during the educational process. The study involved students of 1–3 courses of the medical University aged 17 to 20 years. The obtained results make it possible to design loads competently and carry out their individual correction in order to plan adequate load regimes during physical education classes and in sports sections for the active forming of adaptive capabilities of the body.

Bibliography: Avilova I.A. THE POSSIBILITIES OF USING FUNCTIONAL STATUS MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2023. – № 4 (45). – С. 31-37. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-31-37

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