Author(s): Bunevich K.G., Gorbacheva T.A.

Rubric: Environmental economics

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-1-52-60

Release: 2022-1 (40)

Pages: 52-60

Keywords: “green” finance, low-carbon economy, environmentally responsible investments, “green” bonds, “green” economy, “greening” of the financial system, “green” technologies

Annotation: The “Green” financing is becoming an integral part of the global trend for the sustainable introduction and development of the “green” economy. The international financial system is developing in the direction of active growth of the “green” sector of global market finance and responsible investments. The investment paradigm itself is changing. More and more attention is being paid to transformative investments intended to achieve not only a certain economic result, but also having the potential for positive social and environmental impact. The subject of the study is the concept of transition to a “green” economy. The purpose of this article is to identify common prospects and directions for the development of “green” finance at the international level. The achievement of these goals was carried out using the methods of system analysis, induction, graphic method, as well as using a systematic literature review. The theoretical foundations of the concept of “green” finance are investigated. The classification of instruments and institutions of “green” financing is carried out, their strengths and limitations are identified. New “green” financial instruments are designed not only to obtain economic benefits from their use, but also to solve environmental and climatic problems for the preservation of the surrounding world.

Bibliography: Bunevich K.G., Gorbacheva T.A. THE “GREEN” TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 1 (40). – С. 52-60. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-1-52-60

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