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"Economics and Management"
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Release: 2015-1 (12)
Keywords: innovation of the personality, temperament, socionics, innovative behavior, team
Annotation: In article the typology of persons and feature of formation of innovative behavior for various types is considered, possibility of diagnostics and detection of innovation in the personality and estimates of innovative potential by means of tools of socionics is described, importance of sotsionichesky model for creation of innovative teams is defined
Parameters and indicators of quality of self-learning Organizations in cognitivel economy
Release: 2015-1 (12)
Keywords: self-learning organization, cognitive economics, core competencies, classification features and quality parameters of the self-learning organization, socioeconomic genotype enterprise, entre-preneurial universities, university centers, integrated intellectual capital of the organization, technologization educational activities
Annotation: The subject of this article is a system of economic relations in the creation and development of a self-learning organization as a specific form of innovative economic structures in the modern knowledge economy. Analytical tasks article are: actualization of competition in intra-cognitive relations; identifying the nature and analysis of qualitative properties of the phenomenon of corporate self-learning; analysis of the main forms of self-learning organizations with the leading role of universities; analysis of the specific creation of self- learning organizations in the domestic economy. Scientific novelty of the article is to determine the essence and characteristics of classification criteria and qualitative properties of the self-earning organizations; in the justification of the key role of universities as the main «attractors» in the creation and development of self- learning organizations in the modern economy
The strategic priorities of the Аrctic Geopolitics of Russia
Release: 2014-5 (11)
Keywords: Geopolitics, geo-Economics, socio – economic policy, the Arctic, strategic priorities
Annotation: The publication consists of two interrelated parts. The first part contains the results of historical analysis, in-cluding the problem statement and conclusions. Analyzed foreign and domestic modern geopolitical doctrine in historical retrospect. Factors of efficiency, stability and instability of political and economic systems in terms of geopolitics. In the second part of the interrelation of geopolitics, geoeconomic and internal socio – economic policy. Analyses examples of effective implementation of geo-economic and socio-economic model of Western countries. Justified socio-economic priority Arctic geopolitics of Russia. The proposed geo-economic model and formulated proposals for implementing Arctic geopolitics of Russia
Development of criteria for the concept of «capital» on the basis of the evolution of classics Economic theory
Release: 2014-4 (10)
Keywords: capital, money, means of production, the circulation of capital, consumption, investment, profit, savings, underconsumption, Finance, production
Annotation: This article is dedicated to the «capital» category. Taking into account diversity of this category which covers many areas of social life in general and human beings in particular, it is clear that a single definition is extremely difficult to give a detailed description of the capital as a phenomenon in the economy. The author has chosen criteria approach to the description of the category of «capital» based on the evolution of the views of classics of economic theory
Assessing the impact of environmental factors on the activity of the advertising services
Release: 2014-3 (9)
Keywords: advertising services, advertising market, environmental factors, the market for advertising services, competition
Annotation: The article is devoted to the issues of the factors external towards their socio-economic environment which have an influence on the activities of the advertising organizations: demographic, economic, legal-political, technological and socio-cultural. Special attention is paid to the changes in these factors occurring in connection with the crisis processes in the economy