Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Mechanisms of public administration and control in the development of innovative services educational services


Release: 2014-3 (9)

Annotation: The government, aware of the strategic importance of quality of the educational process, performs the functions of managing reproduction of knowledge through the creation of an enabling environment, providing the necessary incentives for actors in the production and use of knowledge as one of the main resources of the economy. On the mechanisms used by the State as measures aimed at developing the educational sector will be discussed in this article

Mechanisms of formation of financial resources of the self-regulating organization based on membership of persons, carrying out preparation of project documentation


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: Institute of self-regulation of business and professional activity in Russia, as the mechanism of public regulation and collective responsibility. The membership fees, in fact are the main source of implementation of the current activity of SRO: payment of expenses connected with operation of the room and other costs provided in the approved estimate SRO. The indemnification fund of the self-regulating organization is a financial guarantee of safety of production

Conceptual basis for improving the quality of the economy of the modern institution of higher education


Release: 2014-1 (7)

Annotation: This article explores the essence of university education economy, characterized by the overall design activity research center economics of education, enhance the quality of scientific and educational activities of the university. The features of modern education market, as well as determined and specified tasks research center economics of education to improve the competitiveness of the modern university. Reveals the general direction of this center to im-prove the economic efficiency of university education; identify and consider the total content of intellectual entrepreneurship as a systematic method of innovation and innovative activity center of the economics of education. The role of the center in the formation of value added scientific and educational product, available forms and methods of assessing the contribution of the research center economics education in improving the competitiveness of higher educa-tion

Development of road infrastructure in Moscow city


Release: 2014-4 (10)

Annotation: This article describes the traffic situation on the territory of the CAO (Central administrative district) of the city of Moscow as the most problematic and loaded road infrastructure in the capital. This article also describes the interim results and the planned goals and objectives of the State program of the Moscow transport system Development for 2012-2016, also reflects the major activities carried out to improve the system of management of the road infrastructure of the Central administrative district of Moscow. In conclusion the article describes international experience of building road infrastructure on the example of the world's largest megacities like Tokyo, London and Guangzhou

Accounting problems fixed assets and depreciation in Ukraine and foreign countries


Release: 2014-3 (9)

Annotation: Adaptation of enterprises to a market economy requires timely, relevant and objective information about the fixed assets. The article is devoted to the investigation of theoretical and practical aspects and justified solutions to problems of classification, valuation of fixed assets and depreciation in Ukraine in comparison with the experience of foreign countries