Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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The Role of Social Responsibility of Agrarian Employers in Rural Population Living Standard Improvement


Release: 2014-3 (9)

Annotation: A system analysis of literature sources about the questions of social responsibility of agrarian employers, its role in rural population life quality improvement is made. The peculiarities of agricultural enterprises social responsibility formation as a resource of living standard improvement are revealed. The analysis of the key directions which allow the farms to realize social responsibility functions and affect employees’ and local associations’ living standards is conducted. The levers of enterprises management motivation in the direction of their social responsibility increase are represented

Management of municipal social infrastructure development. Theoretical aspects


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: The article considers the origin of such definitions as "infrastructure", "social infrastructure", as well as classification methods of social infrastructure. The problems of creating, developing and managing the social infrastructure in present-day Russia are touched upon in the article. The work examines the analytical methods of social infrastructure development in the towns and cities of Russian Federation

Trends in the development of communication in city Moscow


Release: 2014-4 (10)

Annotation: In the article the essence of the problems in the transition to next-generation networks, the discrepancy between the legal framework of market trends of information security, achieve movement towards the information society, the goals of the task program for socio-economic development of the city

Crises in tendencies of economy development


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: What is the crisis, and also its structural component area of research which still is a subject of the scientific analysis. Then it becomes clear that crisis is characterized by a set of the interconnected situations increasing complexity and risk of management. Further about it in article

Types of changes in sociocultural context


Release: 2014-4 (10)

Annotation: This article deals with the problems of value changes in consciousness, culture and society in conditions of the historical transformations, the interaction of tradition and innovation in conditions of social modernization. The need for the transformation of traditional societies into modern capitalist only in the presence of organic preconditions, including the value of nature is identified and is justified in the article. The author distinguish two types of value change what are based on the conducted research and establish advantages of the evolutionary way of development