Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Outstaffing application specifics in modern Russian organizations


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: The article studies the application of outstaffing, one of the most popular technologies of modern management, in Russian organizations. Short history of outstaffing, its emergence in Russia and current level of development are reviewed. Current problems of oustaffing in Russia and its possible perspectives are analyzed

Other economic policy


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: The article argues that it is time for the state, not for the market to create. There is a need a constant inflow of new forces, thoughts, ideas on the basis of open political race for voters, for the improvement of their life and strengthening of the state in public administration. In recent years the economic situation was stabilized in the country. At this stage, Russia needs a full four parties, or five as maximum. The state Duma reports usually by the amount of passed laws, but it is necessary that the report contained the analysis of the effectiveness of the passed laws

The scenario analysis of execution of debts of Ukraine in front of the Russian federatio


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: The article focuses on the analysis of the Ukrainian debt. The main topic of this article, this commitment to Russia and Ukraine as to service their external and internal debts. Briefly examined data on debt of Ukraine, the authors conducted an analysis of possible scenarios related to the sovereign debt of Ukraine and the implications for the Russian Federation in the event of technical default. Analyzing the economic situation in Ukraine authors also came to understand that Russia, as a close partner should strongly contribute to the stabilization of the economy of Ukraine, taking into account the national interests of the Russian Federation on the debt capital market

The institutional environment of the post-industrial information society


Release: 2014-2 (8)

Annotation: The article reveals and shows the patterns and trends of processes of evolution of institutions; marked vector behavioural attitudes in the context of globalization and traced the relationship between individuals as elements of the economic system that gives the economic system more complex and new properties that are not inherent in the individual items; defined the basis for developing models of behavioural attitudes of the actors of the market

Tax Incentives of Development of Arctic Zone of Russian Federation


Release: 2013-4 (6)

Annotation: The authors offer conceptual approaches to the formation of tax mechanism for stimulation of the economy of the Russian Arctic, including activization and ensuring the balanced development of the foreign economic, innovative and investment activity