Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Analysis of financial balance of assets and liabilities balance – the basis of assessment of financial stability and solvency of the enterprise


Release: 2015-4 (15)

Annotation: In a market economy, stable development of enterprises largely depends on their financial stability. Resilience allows you to survive in the changing external and internal environment, enables maneuvering in cash, but also contributes to the smooth process of production. The article presents a theoretical study of financial sustainability and solvency of the company through the achievement of financial balance between articles of assets and liabilities balance

Interests of public sector In conditions of economic crisis


Release: 2015-3 (14)

Annotation: The article notes that during financial crisis the problems of the utilities aggravated. The proposed Strategy of the development of the branch till 2020 does not consider the interests of all parties. The realization of economic interests requires institutional and technological changes, the changing role of the state and attraction of the private investments

Features of crediting of small business are in system of services of bank sector of Russia


Release: 2015-2 (13)

Annotation: In the article the features of mechanism of crediting of small business are exposed in modern terms. Problems and perspective directions of development of credit services are distinguished in the bank sector of Russia

System of the organization of the foreign trade activity in modern conditions of managing


Release: 2015-1 (12)

Annotation: This article is devoted to the modern features of the organization of the foreign trade activity. A number of factors, including not only membership of the country in the WTO and continuous changes of legal base, but also the commodity-sanctions restrictions accepted recently at the level of various states has the impact on this process. The author of article made an attempt to actualize features of the organization of the foreign trade activity in the Russian Federation taking into account the above-designated factors

Attraction of private investments in the heating sphere


Release: 2015-4 (15)

Annotation: In article the model of attraction of private investments into development of the heating organization. Heating is one of the most important branches of the Russian economy as in social, and production aspects that does this sphere attractive to public-private partnership