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"Economics and Management"
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Release: 2015-3 (14)
Keywords: innovative activity, principles, factors, technology, innovation
Annotation: The article deals with the methodological aspects of innovation enterprise, the basic principles and general provisions. Analyzes the structure and activities of innovation. Determined by the author's view on the state strategy of innovative development of the country
Economic mechanisms of import substitution in the Russian federation
Release: 2015-2 (13)
Keywords: import substitution, economic mechanisms, Strategy 2020, food security
Annotation: The article examines the concept of «economic mechanisms», and «substitution», told about the concept of import substitution developed at the state level of the Russian Federation, the main problems faced by manufacturers
Rationale financial solutions In the face of uncertainty
Release: 2015-1 (12)
Keywords: conflict, decision making procedure, the criterion of choice of the best strategy, games challenge
Annotation: This article formulates proposals for the improvement of the methodological apparatus for supporting decisions in conditions of uncertainty. It considers the decision-making process in cases where uncertain is as conscious actions of participants of the conflict situation as well as conditions of the event
Technologies of planning and forecasting of the construction industry
Release: 2015-4 (15)
Keywords: technology, planning, forecasting, construction industry
Annotation: The article is concerned with issues of new methods of urban development planning. Development of construction industry in the crisis is considered by the example of Noyaborsk. Author notes the need of new approaches to technology of planning and forecasting in construction industry
Industrialization infrastructure sector in the cities of Russia
Release: 2015-3 (14)
Keywords: industrialization, urban infrastructure, medium and small cities, innovation, information evolutionary way
Annotation: The article studies the issues of industrialization, infrastructural sphere as the process of further development of innovation infrastructure of small and medium-sized cities based on industrial production industrial infrastructure of universal elements (modules) in the factory and assembled on the site of their construction