Release: 2013-1 (3)

2013-1 (3)


The effect of Pozharov A.I. as the law in the sphere of providing optimal correlation between economic and military security of nuclear powers


Annotation: The article touches upon the peculiarities of correlation between economy and defence of world nations in the present situation, which cause qualitative changes in the existing means of economic provision of military needs. The effect of Pozharov has been discovered as a law in the sphere of providing optimal correlation between economic and military security of nuclear powers.

Investment in human capital innovative technologies as the factor of increase of competitiveness of Russia


Annotation: The article explores the theoretical issues in the field of formation and development of human capital, the characteristic of its modern state in Russia, analyses the state policy of Russia in the field of human capital development of innovative industries, proposals and recommendations for more systematical and comprehensive investigation of the problems of stimulating investment in the national human capital

Modern problems of investment of innovative industrialization of Russia


Annotation: The problems of innovative reindustrialization of economy are presented in the article. The need for decision-making on strategic investment in innovative development of industrial structure of the industry, first of all, creation of institutes and infrastructure objects of national innovative system and the expansion of scales of intersectoral and interregional construction of communications and solution of other acute infrastructure problems are proved. The development of the structure of the new innovative industry will allow to provide steady demand for created production in the sector of reindustrialized manufacturing industry.

Military organization of the state as factor of ensuring economic safety of regions


Annotation: The problems of innovative reindustrialization of economy are presented in the article. The need for decision-making on strategic investment in innovative development of industrial structure of the industry, first of all, creation of institutes and infrastructure objects of national innovative system and the expansion of scales of intersectoral and interregional construction of communications and solution of other acute infrastructure problems are proved. The development of the structure of the new innovative industry will allow to provide steady demand for created production in the sector of reindustrialized manufacturing industry.

System view on economical safety of the state


Annotation: In the article the scientific views and theoretical approaches to the disclosure of the concepts of «economic security» are analyzed and the author's systematic opinion about the economic security as an element in the context of the economic security of the state is given.

Analysis of contract documents and technical specifications of public contracts for the development of state information systems


Annotation: This article demonstrates the problems the government contracts value for the development of information systems. The management and controlling of system development process are considered. In addition the problems of evaluating the profitability of contracts by the state are dwelled on.

Developing innovative proposals to improve the management of OAO «MOEK»


Annotation: This article analyzes the existing scheme of management of JSC «MOEK». The problem of the advisability of branch offices, whose activity does not affect the production process is discussed. An innovative management model that allows, in the short term, to achieve production without losses.

Innovative approach power management in the budget sektor


Annotation: The stability of power saving mechanisms in budgetary institutions is considered. Sustainable mechanisms which can solve social and economic problems on the experience of many Russian regions after installation of account devices at social institutions in obtaining cost savings are proposed.

Applied aspects of restructuring of the credit portfolio of commercial bank with use of statistical models of the quantitative analysis


Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of development and use of tools of diagnostics, evaluation, analysis, management and forecasting financial risks of a commercial bank. This article dwells on alternative risk analysis of commercial bank based on regulatory requirements and statistical models. The emphasis is placed on the assessment of credit risk. According to the analysis the proposals for the possible restructuring of the credit portfolio are developed.

Technique of operational management of short-term financial investments


Annotation: Any commercial organization all over the world faces the problem of management of operational (current) assets in the short-term period. Therefore there is a need in the solution of a scientific problem of development of the complex of the techniques making system of operational management of the current assets of corporations. One of the instruments to obtain the additional income is the short-term financial investments representing investments for the term of less than one year. Considering the specifics of the Russian market, the method of estimated capitalization allowing to bring significantly closer the initial price of the block of shares to market quotations is offered.

Development of dual-use technologies on the basis of cluster approach


Annotation: In this article the need in creation of research and production innovative consortia to fasten the formation of the new scientific and technological increase of competitiveness of national economy is considered. The problems of low realization of scientific and technical potential of OPK in the field of double technologies are dwelled on. The possibility of the use of structures of cluster type, for assistance to innovative development of economy, taking into account the world experience is analyzed.

Global technological enviroments in evolution of human civilization


Annotation: The article examines the influence of global man-made environments on the development and formation of human civilization in the XXI century. Shown is the catalytic influence of NBICS technologies on the development of the technosphere of the planet Earth.

Scientific activities and events in the Moscow University after S.Yu. Witte
