Release: 2014-1 (7)

Keywords: region, sustainable development, social and economic system, assessment of sustainability of economy of region, Conference Rio+20, the balance of interests
Annotation: The article is devoted to the vital questions and problems of socio-economic development of territories from the point of the concept of sustainable development. In the work the statement that the achievement of sustainable economic development of the region requires effective interaction between the authorities of all levels, as well as the balance of national and regional interests with the interests of the present and future generations is submitted
Infrastructure as scientific component of economic and social development of Russian cities
Keywords: infrastructure, sustainable development, city, innovative economy, innovation model of city infrastructure development, choice of priorities and directions for city infrastructure development
Annotation: The article is devoted to the urbanization and purposeful infrastructure development, first of all, transport, roads and communication facilities, that play the most significant role in the prosperity of European civilization and economic development in Europe. In the XXI century, scientific and technical progress that has rearranged the entire civilization begins to increase rapidly the complexity of city infrastructure. The old logic of common sense does not work in the infrastructure development with simultaneous growth of the population of cities and their territory, with a multiplex increase of transport flows intensity
Algorithm to set up priorities for the social infrastructure development of region
Keywords: social infrastructure, management, development, financing, efficiency
Annotation: The algorithm to set up priorities for the development of the social infrastructure in the region, developed on the basis of cost management is studied. The application of the algorithm is aimed at optimization of the regional budget taking into consideration the system of social infrastructure in the region. Implementation of the algorithm provides the best result for the given amount of money or obtaining this result at the lowest cost of funds
Management of Innovative Potential of Personnel – 'Victoria' System
Keywords: innovation, management, principles, motivation, creativity, efficiency
Annotation: Innovative potential of the company's staff - a key factor in its future success. However, the vast resources of the innovative capacity of the staff of domestic companies remain "in the shadows" and are not implemented. The system of "Victoria" - a cost-effective and efficient way of innovative development organization. Its essence is in the management of staff creativity, focus on his search for profit growth opportunities
Causes of risk in the conditions of development of innovation economy
Keywords: risks, causes, risks, development of economy, innovations, innovative economy
Annotation: The article considers the complex of problems of development of innovation economy of Russia. Provides statistics economic indicators of industrial development and state support of agribusiness in Russia and developed countries of the world. Determined by the need to identify the reasons for the high risks of innovation economy. Recommendations on risk management to ensure the systematic innovation development of economic entities
The basic problems of creation and realization of federal target programs within the limits of development science and technologies in the defensive industrial complex
Keywords: S&T reserves, Public-Private Partnership, federal target programs, program-oriented planning, Government program of arms
Annotation: In article federal target programs in the context of creation of the S&T reserve for perspective and nonconventional arms are considered. Are revealed main problems existing mechanism of program-oriented planning of development of a science and technologies and ways of their decision are offered
The calculation of components of hedging portfolio for payment obligations fixed at final time moment of financial market with infinite number of states
Keywords: Financial market, martingale measure, the weakened property of the universal Haar uniqueness, self-financing portfolios, capital of portfolio, contingent claim
Annotation: Finding the self-financing portfolio replicating some payment obligation f is one of important directions of financial market research. The method of the calculation of components of hedg-ing portfolio for several kinds of payment obligations for the model of financial market with infinite number of states is presented in the article
The development of small business in the context of globalization of economic and social processes
Keywords: entrepreneurship, finance, economy, WTO, sole traders, globalization, small business, resources, free trade
Annotation: The article reveals the basic aspects of the development of small business in the context of globalization of economic and social processes. A special attention is paid to the functioning of small business in the conditions of Russia's WTO accession
Condition of national innovative system in Republic of Belarus
Keywords: national innovative system, innovative activity, cooperation, incubators, venture funds
Annotation: The condition of National innovative system in Republic of Belarus is considered. The com-parative analysis of development of National innovative system of Belarus and world indus-trialized countries is carried out. The main tendencies and problems of its development are revealed
Modern trends of development of information technologies in banking management
Keywords: remote maintenance, banking, financial information, emails, settlement services, Client-Bank
Annotation: This article is intended to extend information when considering the issues of organization of activities of the banks. New technologies settlement activities of banks, increase of their effi-ciency. Unfortunately not all banks are investing in the development of information technology, which reduces the competitiveness of business
The social capital in the context of formation and the assessment of the intellectual capital
Keywords: social capital, innovative economy, intellectual capital
Annotation: In article the key role of the social capital in reproduction of the intellectual capital and for-mation of the directed target interactions of managing subjects concerning development and deployment of innovations is allocated and proved, the model of influence of elements of the social capital at a size of the intellectual capital is presented
Conceptual basis for improving the quality of the economy of the modern institution of higher education
Keywords: Economics of education and economics university education; research center of economics education; educational services market; the competitiveness of the modern university; the intellectual capital of the institution; intellectual entrepreneurship; intellectual security; scientific and educational product
Annotation: This article explores the essence of university education economy, characterized by the overall design activity research center economics of education, enhance the quality of scientific and educational activities of the university. The features of modern education market, as well as determined and specified tasks research center economics of education to improve the competitiveness of the modern university. Reveals the general direction of this center to im-prove the economic efficiency of university education; identify and consider the total content of intellectual entrepreneurship as a systematic method of innovation and innovative activity center of the economics of education. The role of the center in the formation of value added scientific and educational product, available forms and methods of assessing the contribution of the research center economics education in improving the competitiveness of higher educa-tion
Intelligent safety of the modern university: essence of scientific and practical imperatives formation
Keywords: Innovation, intellectual security, integrated intellectual capital of the university, educational services, the threat of intellectual security, key competence of university, system paradigm
Annotation: The article explores some of the theoretical problems of intellectual security of modern higher education institution, identifies conditions and factors of development of modern educational institution, position about that deep base of intellectual security institution is the security of its integrated intellectual capital. In the framework of the system paradigm are identified and in-vestigated major mental, semantic and social threats of intellectual security, offers prevention activities of existing and potential threats to the security of intellectual institution of higher education for sustainable development and its increasing level of competitiveness in the global education market