Release: 2021-1 (27)

Issues of theory and history of law
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-1-5-12
Keywords: bureaucratic apparatus, Russian bureaucracy, organization of public service, regulation, office work, professional qualification
Annotation: This paper discusses the main stages of the legitimization of the bureaucratic apparatus in Russia in the first half of the XIXth century. The author‘s purpose is to analyze the political measures of the Russian government aimed at modernizing the structure, organization and activities of the bureaucracy at both the central and local levels during this period. This topic is relevant in the context of increasing public interest in the efficiency of the functioning of the state apparatus of Russia and its improvement. The historical experience of the authorities in the organization, regulation, as well as the quantitative and qualitative development of domestic bureaucracy deserves attention. As the main results, the author formulates the requirements for officials that have developed at the legislative level. It is concluded that by the middle of the XIXth century, the bureaucratic apparatus had become one of the main forces in the state and society of Russia.
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-1-13-16
Keywords: Marriage, codes, morality, duties of the spouses, family, matrimony, ecclesiastical law
Annotation: The modern approach to the institutions of marriage and family is considered in the context of historical and comparative legal analysis of legislative acts, as well as dogmatic norms of church law. Considerable attention is paid to the responsibilities of spouses as moral and legal regulators of family relations. Based on the traditional meanings and values of marriage, a consistent ethization of the family legislation of Russia is proposed, which will allow avoiding neoliberal tendencies that significantly hamper the development of modern family policy.