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"Legal sciences"
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Release: 2017-1 (10)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-1-41-49
Keywords: operational experiment, operational-investigative activity, operational-investigative activity, documentation, provocation, bribery, commercial bribery
Annotation: The article presents the results of a study on the problems of an operational experiment and documentation provocation of a bribe or commercial payoff, the issues of delimitation of the operational experiment and provocation, the author suggested the concept of provocation
Experience of prevention of systemic and specific corruption in correctional institutions abroad
Release: 2017-4 (13)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-54-59
Keywords: correctional institution administration, systemic corruption, specific corruption, penitentiary environment, corruption risks, conflict of interests, corruption-related crime, the powers of the officials, abuse of office, anti-corruption measures and mechanisms
Annotation: Organizational problems of counteracting specific and systemic corruption in the penal systems of foreign countries (Philippines, Indonesia, Bolivia and others) are analyzed in the article; trends in the steady growth of crimes and corruption-related offenses among officials of bodies and institutions executing punishment; the experience of the development by the administration of correctional institutions of effective mechanisms of counteraction and management of corruption risks is analyzed on the basis of timely detection of signs of potential corruption, understanding of its causes, planning and implementation of measures to prevent corrupt behavior of employees at specific and systemic levels.
Legal base of continuing professional education
Release: 2017-3 (12)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-52-54
Keywords: education law, continuing education, professional education, state licensing, education document, status of education
Annotation: The article reveals legal base of continuing professional education set by education law of 2012. Particular attention is paid to the changes brought to the legal base of continuing professional education in comparison with the previous law of 1992. The authors analyse as well how the educational law influences the status of continuing professional education in present educational ambient.
Standards of International Treaties and the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law
Release: 2017-2 (11)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-41-45
Keywords: criminal-executive law, criminal-executive relationships, source of the branch of the criminal-executive law, standard of the criminal-executive law, the system of the criminal-executive law
Annotation: The article examines the questions concerning understanding the source of the branch of the criminal-executive law. The author analyses the role of international treaties and the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the system of the sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law. The question of the methods of influence of standards of international treaties on evolution of criminal-executive relationships under integration tendencies is investigated. The status of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a material and formal source of the branch of the criminal-executive law is analyzed. It is proved that formal (juridical) sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law contain: international treaties legal standards of which are reciprocated and implemented into Russian criminal-executive legislation
Questions scientific understanding of the nature and content of investigative situation
Release: 2017-1 (10)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-1-49-52
Keywords: investigative situation, a typical investigation situation, the investigation of crimes, the stages of the preliminary investigation, the identity of the investigation
Annotation: The article touches upon the problematic aspects of crime investigation, analyze different points of view of scientists-criminalists about the nature and content of investigative situation