Author(s): Kostrova Yulia Borisovna, Shibarshina Olga Yurievna

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-27-32

Release: 2019-2 (27)

Pages: 27-32

Keywords: pedagogy, educational technologies, innovative approaches, coaching, education, teaching, training, self-development

Annotation: The article deals with the topical issue of application of innovative educational technologies. The modernization of Russian education has changed the views on the goals, content and style of interaction between teachers and students. In modern society, the role of the teacher, the teacher is transformed, which, of course, requires a review of its competencies. The authors analyze the technology of coaching in the aspect of its successful application in the teaching of various disciplines of undergraduate. They believe that the use of coaching opens up new opportunities for improving the learning process of students. Attention is focused on such types of coaching as individual, team, organizational coaching. The author substantiates the thesis that when using coaching technology in the learning process, the role of the teacher is significantly enriched both in traditional and in e-learning. The authors conclude that coaching in education is an innovative technology that can direct the internal resources of the teacher and the student to achieve the desired result and can be considered as a tool to improve the efficiency of interaction of all elements of the education system: teacher-student, teacher-administration, teacher-teacher.

Bibliography: Kostrova YU.BO., Shibarshina OL.YU. KOUCHING AS INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2019. – № 2 (27). – С. 27-32. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-27-32

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