Author(s): Antonenko A.P.

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-5-8

Release: 2021-3 (29)

Pages: 5-8

Keywords: people, the consumption pattern of civilization, changing the beleifs, anti-spiritual forms of society organization, the dual natre of man, the conflict of the will of the people and the holders of power

Annotation: The need to abandon the consumption pattern of civilization has become obvious. The path to a new reality begins with a change in the beliefs based on the idea of the primacy of Spirit or matter. The world materialized the essence of the Spiritual, which led to the creation of anti-spiritual forms of social organization. The return to the understanding of the dual nature of human existence is the most important ideo-logical task of mankind. Spirituality allows us to find a solution to the most important problem of the devel-opment of society – the conflict of the will of the people and the will of the holders of power. The adoption of the law “On Electronic Electoral Voting” and its enforcement makes it possible to solve this problem.

Bibliography: Antonenko A.P. PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF A NEW STAGE OF THE CIVILIZATION DEVELOPMENT // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2021. – № 3 (29). – С. 5-8. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-5-8

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