Author(s): Suslov A.V.

Rubric: Education for sustainable development

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-96-103

Release: 2022-3 (40)

Pages: 96-103

Keywords: education, ethics, sustainable development, noosphere, global problems, ecology, environment, information society

Annotation: The article describes the essence of education for sustainable development as a new model of the evolution of human civilization. The need for such a model arose due to the crisis situation in the interaction of nature and society, with the emergence of global problems and especially environmental ones. The article analyzes various approaches to understanding the essence of sustainable development, defines the role of education in this process, the need to improve the educational process based on humanistic values. Ecological ethics and the ethics of non-violence are considered as fundamental axiological foundations of education for sustainable development. It is argued that ethically-oriented education ensures the transition to sustainable development and subsequent new civilizational forms that guarantee the survival and safe existence of mankind. The significance of the new model of education for the forming of a sustainable worldview of future generations of people focused on the harmonious coexistence of nature, society and man is substantiated.

Bibliography: Suslov A.V. EDUCATION AS A NECESSARY ELEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2022. – № 3 (40). – С. 96-103. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-96-103

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