Author(s): Zhidkov Alexey Sergeevich
Rubric: Economy
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-63-77
Release: 2020-1 (32)
Pages: 63-77
Keywords: Rating of car manufacturers, rating analysis, rating, car manufacturers, passenger cars, benchmarking in business, the method of the sum of places
Annotation: This article provides a rating analysis of the fourteen largest manufacturers of passenger cars in Russia for 2016–2018. The analysis uses data from accounting (financial) statements for the specified period. The rating is based on a system of indicators consisting of three groups: indicators of business activity, financial stability and various types of profitability, which allows you to give an objective assessment of production activities and determine the place of each automaker in the rating. In addition to the rating analysis, this article examines the automotive industry, according to the indicators of production of vehicles for various purposes both at the global level in General, and in the Russian Federation in particular. Based on the available statistical data, the dynamics of the share of cars produced on the Russian territory is determined both by the total volume of car production and by passenger cars separately. The results of this study can be used for further in-depth analysis of Russian car manufacturers.
Bibliography: Zhidkov AL.SE. RATING ANALYSIS OF RUSSIAN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES // Economics and Management. – 2020. – № 1 (32). – С. 63-77. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-63-77