Author(s): Charchoglyan Tatiana Gennadievna, Li Chuan, Sadieva Anna Nazimovna

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-42-47

Release: 2020-2 (31)

Pages: 42-47

Keywords: Chinese language, listening, listening competency, difficulty, Russian-speaking students, classification, native speaker, audio text

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of forming listening skills in a foreign language as the most complex type of speech activity. The purpose of this study is to analyze and classify the difficulties of listening, which can form the basis for developing a system for the formation of the listening competence of students, who learning Chinese. The relevance of this work lies in the interest that Russian students show in studying the language of PRC and the difficulties that they have to face in their learning. Achieving this goal involves solving the following problems: 1) a generalization of factors that adversely affect the perception of foreign language speech; 2) a description of the specifics of listening, characteristic of learning exactly the Chinese language; 3) classification of the identified difficulties according to their characteristic features. These tasks identified analysis, synthesis and classification as the main research methods. As the main result of the study, a classification of the difficulties characteristic of teaching Russian-speaking students is given for the further development of a system of exercises that allows to form an listening competency to a greater extent.

Bibliography: Charchoglyan TA.GE., Li CH., Sadieva AN.NA. DIFFICULTIES IN TRAINING RUSSIAN-SPEAKING STUDENTS IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION OF CHINESE LANGUAGE // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 2 (31). – С. 42-47. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-42-47

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