Author(s): Rumyantseva N.L.

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-42-45

Release: 2021-3 (29)

Pages: 42-45

Keywords: civilization, values, priorities, law, ideology, collectivism, individualism, reductional approach, systematic approach

Annotation: Russian and Western civilizations are civilizations that have developed in different geographical conditions, which have formed different value priorities in them. In Russia, this is the priority of the common, while Western civilization is based on the priority of individual interests. Currently, the Russian Federation has adopted a Western ideology and legal system. This contradiction between the values of Russian culture and legal science of Russia, justifying its ideology, leads to the instability of society and should be resolved.

Bibliography: Rumyantseva N.L. CIVILIZATION AND LAW // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2021. – № 3 (29). – С. 42-45. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-42-45

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