Author(s): Pavlyukevich Lyubov Vladislavovna
Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-37-41
Release: 2020-2 (31)
Pages: 37-41
Keywords: language system, language aspect, basic skills, simplification, reduction, lingua franca, pigeon, foreign language communicative competence
Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of reflecting some processes of language system development in up-to-date language teaching aids. Language is a complex self-sustained system which is characterised by the processes of simplification and reduction today, as well as the appearance of “pigeons” and its position of “lingua franca” that is reflected in all language aspects and basic skills. The notions under study are viewed in terms of their influence on the effectiveness and outcomes of the educational process as maintained in the National Curriculum. The problem highlighted stems from the fact that those processes and peculiarities of the language system are not covered by the majority of textbooks, which leads to the discrepancy between the requirements of unified state examinations and students’ preparation for them. The article includes examples of simplification and reduction in the language system. The reasons for these phenomena are analysed and possible solutions are offered, namely the revision of currently used textbooks and their adaptation to the modern language system development features, so that the abovementioned contradictions would be neutralised while training children to pass their final exams.
Bibliography: Pavlyukevich LY.VL. INFLUENCE OF SIMPLIFICATION AND REDUCTION PROCESSES ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 2 (31). – С. 37-41. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-37-41