Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

The organization of the innovation industry development taking into account the cluster approach


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: Raised in the article problems of organization and management of innovative development of industry, is the experience of JSC "Russian electronics" on the integration of industrial enterprises on the basis of cluster approach with research institutions and suppliers, as well as the organization's competence centres, managers of innovative development

Infrastructure as necessary condition of sustainable development of the city’s innovative economy


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: In article it is said that the sustainable development of an innovative city economy demands: existence and successful functioning of necessary infrastructure conditions in the cities on the basis of the theory automatic systems accompanied by the organization from the state and the mechanism of a choice of priorities and selective support in creation of infrastructure conditions. For this purpose it is necessary to develop multiple innovative model of an infrastructure development of the city.

Assessment of efficiency of investment projects using the method qualimetry


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: A particularly important task of evaluating the effectiveness of use of funds allocated for capital expenditure is in respect of investment projects financed from the budget funds

Modern economic mechanisms of innovative activity stimulation in defense industry enterprises


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: The military-industrial complex of Russia as a core, integrated industry of the national economy, is characterized by extreme diversity of industries and types of technological equipment. Innovative action of the military-industrial complex is crucial to sustainable development. But, unfortunately, in recent years, innovative activity in the national economy, and in the defense industry remains at a low level. In this paper we characterize modern economic mechanisms to encourage innovative activity organizations of military-industrial complex.

The place and role of economic science in the development of the system of self-regulation in construction


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: The theoretical aspects of the formation of the system of self-regulation in Russia. Presents assessment and identified the problems of the economic practices of self-regulating organizations in the construction industry. Grounded main directions of development of system of self-regulation in construction