Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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The analysis of standard and legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: State innovation policy is a part of social and economic policy and is aimed at improving state regulation, development and promotion of innovation. She realized, in particular, with the help of legal mechanisms of state support. In this paper we analyzed the legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation.

Directions of development of Russian financial system


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: The problems of strengthening the financial system of Russia. Proposals on the establishment of the ruble as a reserve currency, the introduction into circulation recapitalizing elements of national wealth, anti-inflationary policy and diversification of the banking system.

Risk management of innovative projects: system approach


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: In article the problems connected with a risk management of innovative projects are considered. The factors influencing uncertainty of economic decisions are revealed, consequences of realization of brave situations are analysed, qualification of risks in the innovative sphere is given, tendencies of constructive development of brave situations are established, the model of coordination of innovative and investment process is developed.

Directions of improvement of the banking system in order to ensure economic security


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: The capitalization of the Russian banking system must be improved, however, to ensure a gradual inclusion of the Russian banks in the international banking system, in order not to destroy, but to strengthen the national credit organization.

Problems of activity development in small and medium businesses in Chechen republic


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: This article discusses issues relating to the small business that can provide the required in Chechnya market saturation, the tendency to price stability, the competitive environment, which is the driving force in economic development. Small businesses, without requiring large upfront investments, guarantees quick turnaround resources to help economically and efficiently solve problems restructuringzation of the economy