Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Problems and prospects of the farms development in transition economy of Russia


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: State of the farms in the economic system of the country has been described. The problems, interfering with modern farms activities have been considered. The main directions of the farms government support have been analyzed. Possible results of the sectorial target program realization have been.

Actual problems of development of the hospitality industry in the countries of Equatorial and southern Africa


Release: 2012-2 (2)

Annotation: This article examines current issues in the field of tourism and hotel industry in African countries, analyzes the public policy of various African States in the development of the hospitality industry, formulated the positive and negative factors affecting the development of tourism, allowing more deeply, systematically and comprehensively explore this issue

Food security in animal husbandry branch: regional aspect


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: The article reveals the basic problems of food safety of the Russian Federation. The regional special features of food safety are indicated. The distinctive directions of food safety of the Ryazan region within the branch of stock raising are determined. The estimation of the contemporary state of the branch of stock raising in the investigating region is given. Problems are revealed and direction of strengthening food safety within the branch of stock raising in the Ryazan region is determined.

Conceptual aspects of the system of work rationing management at the enterprise


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: Investigate the importance of standardization in the enterprise. Defined its role and place in the general system of management and personnel management system. Analyzes the significance of the valuation of labor and its impact on the various elements of the enterprise. The issues of the interaction with the valuation of labor wages, technological preparation of production, marketing and social policy. Proposed to increase the validity of indicators of labor by improving the system of regulation of labor. Forming recommendations for the management system of work measurement. The necessity to improve the methodological development and application of trace element valuation work.

State regulation of the population reproduction


Release: 2012-1 (1)

Annotation: The real picture of a condition of the population of Russia, tendency to extinction, experiment of foreign countries on stimulation of growth of population is shown, offers on management of population reproduction of a way of development of the theory and practice, scientific justification of ways of complex influence on reproduction of the population of the Russian Federation in general and its efficient part in particular are given.