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"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Prospects for the development of agglomeration in kazakhstan as a complex of innovative and active territories


Release: 2020-2 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-73-78

Annotation: In urban planning, unlike economic conglomerate, the term “agglomeration” is adopted, referring to the accumulation of closely related settlements in conditions of extremely high population density, with the presence of a core city. In this case conditions pendular (daily) migration of the working (able-bodied) population of about 15 % of the population occupied in production are created. In addition, the share of inter-village territories in the agglomeration is much less than the territory of settlements. In Kazakhstan, a typical agglomeration is considered Shimkent and partially Almaty. In the future, according to the Regional Development Program, Astana and Aktobe settlement groups are also included in the agglomeration. However, the Regional Development Programme (RDP) uses the term “single agglomeration entity” in addition to the term agglomeration. For example, with respect to the Capital agglomeration, it is noted that the city of Karaganda tends to unite into the constituent part of the Astana agglomeration, as well as near the settlements lying near Karaganda (satellite cities, villages). They may well create a single agglomeration entity. Full formation of second level agglomerations (Aktube) is predicted only in the long term.

Evaluating the effectiveness of information support for innovation management


Release: 2020-1 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-78-86

Annotation: The article presents the main approaches to the technology of evaluating the effectiveness of information support for innovation management based on the construction of a competitive market map, diagnostics of the competitive environment and assessment of the level of innovative activity of the enterprise. This technology allows us to study the relationship between the level of competitiveness of the analyzed enterprise and how well the system of information support for innovation management is set, which is later tested on the example of 10 enterprises in the practical part of this article. The article describes the technology of building a competitive map, calculating the main indicators for grouping enterprises by the size of the market share and the rate of change in the market share. The article describes the procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of information support for innovation management in three main blocks: innovation management, innovation potential, and the technical and economic level of products. Interpretation of the results of the analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the dependence of the competitive position of the enterprise and the effectiveness of information support for management decisions.



Release: 2020-4 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-4-93-103

Annotation: This article studies the power grid consolidation in Russia as one of the means for its efficiency improvement. Prerequisites for the consolidation implementation are drawn. The Russian Federation local grid operators number trend data for 2014–2020 was analyzed and the reasons of the changes are determined. This article examines the consolidation impact on tariffs as a key indicator for assessment of the proceeding consolidation efficiency. We suggest a systematics of impacts on tariffs, and mark the factors, which determine the level of consolidation impact on the value of regional single pot transmission tariffs. The carried research confirmed a hypothesis, that the impact on tariff differ considerably under various forms and objects of consolidation. We represent basic approaches to control consolidation expense allowance for various power grid facilities in relation with favorable social-and-economic effects promoted by consolidation of that facilities.

Performance contracts and their possible use in the process of modernizing and improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises


Release: 2020-2 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-79-84

Annotation: The relevance of this research topic lies in the fact that the economic stimulation of energy saving requires the least capital investment among other possible means of improving financial performance of industrial enterprises and therefore relates to the priority, and the resulting energy saving measures energy savings provides industrial companies the opportunity to consistently reduce the cost of their purchase and enhance the quality of their use. One of the promising directions of economic incentives for energy saving of industrial enterprises is the introduction of the mechanism of «energy performance contracting». The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of using various forms of performance contracts in the process of modernization and energy efficiency of industrial enterprises. As a result of the study, the main types of performance contracts used in world practice were summarized, and a summary table was compiled that reflects the distribution of risks between a specialized ESCO and a customer of energy services. The final part of the article contains some recommendations aimed at developing performance contracting in the Russian energy saving market.

Practice of modeling the target capital structure of the corporation


Release: 2020-1 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-87-95

Annotation: Even though the theory of corporate Finance describes many models for optimizing the capital structure, most of them remain “theoretical”, due to many restrictions that make it difficult to apply them in the practical activities of corporate managers. In this paper, we have set a goal to illustrate the possibilities of forming a target structure of the Corporation’s funding sources, based on the method of operating profit variability. The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of modeling the target capital structure of corporations by the method of operating profit variability. The paper describes the theoretical basis for practical testing of the viability of the proposed method of structuring the Corporation’s capital. In the practical part, several sequential calculations were performed, and the algorithm for applying the proposed method was demonstrated. Based on the data of the real financial swelling of the Corporation, which has the conditional name of JSC “Techmash”, the breaking points were calculated and analyzed, the probability of failure of a credit institution to provide loans to the Corporation was determined by the methods of determining the credit rating using the five-factor model of E. Altman, the average growth rate of assets and revenue was compared and analyzed. The coverage ratio is calculated, as well as the credit rating and borrowing rates of the analyzed Corporation are correlated. The maximum probability of financial difficulties is calculated.