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"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Modern level and the living quality of the russian population


Release: 2018-2 (25)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-7-14

Annotation: This paper contains the analysis of the modern level and the living quality of the Russian population. It has been noted that the continuing crisis in Russia increases the level of wealth inequality and feeds fragmentation of the society. Unfortunately, in general throughout the country, the level of the population’s living quality has decreased to the level of 2009, and the recovery will be possible only in the mid-2020s. According to the forecast of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) in 2017 the wealth decline will be equal to 0.2%, while the next three years it will hardly exceed 1%. The paper contains the analysis of the population’s living quality rated by the regions. In accordance with the rating of the Russian population’s living quality by the regions, the RIA-Rating Agency reports Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and the Moscow Oblast are the leading regions, while the outsiders with the lowest quality of living are the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Ingushetia and Tuva. In some regions, significant decline in the living quality is observed.

The impact of foreign direct investment on macroeconomic indicators and the international rating of russia


Release: 2018-3 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-7-15

Annotation: Many countries, including Russia, assign to the inflow of foreign direct investment the role of the carrier of new technologies and advanced methods of organization of production, a catalyst for technical and economic progress, as well as a deeper inclusion of its economy in the world economy. One of the indicators of the country’s involvement in the world economy is the export of goods and its structure. The degree and nature of changes in export groups of goods may indicate changes in the structure of the economy under the influence of foreign direct investment, which allows to assess the positive or negative effects of them. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that for countries with economies in transition, which currently include Russia, the attraction of foreign capital is very important. With their help, it is proposed to transform the structure of both the economy and exports of the Russian Federation, reducing the share of the fuel and energy complex in its structure. The article deals with the dynamics of foreign direct investment in the Russian economy. The purpose of this work is to identify the problems of changes in the export structure of the country under the influence of foreign direct investment. The subject of the study is economic relations caused by the relationship of foreign direct investment with the structure of Russian exports. The article analyzes the economic relations caused by the relationship of foreign direct investment with the structure of Russian exports. The problems of changing the export structure of the country under the influence of foreign direct investment. The article reveals the relationship of foreign direct investment with the macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation. A number of key macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation are closely related to the value of import or export of foreign direct investment.

The main stages of modern urban development of moscow


Release: 2018-1 (24)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-1-7-14

Annotation: The article discusses the features of urban development in Moscow from the postwar period to the present. Three stages of large-scale reorganization of residential areas of the capital are identified, the specificity of each stage is determined. The draft of the last renovation program adopted in 2017 is considered in more detail, its differences from previous programs are established, its shortcomings and ways of increasing the efficiency of the program are noted.

Public procurment mechanism internal audit. Its goals and purpose


Release: 2018-4 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-15-19

Annotation: The embezzlement of public funds is one of the global challenges even for developed countries. Russia is no exception, the reasons are the desire to enrich state officials at the expense of budget funds and the lack of effectiveness of modern internal financial control of Russia, unable to minimize the embezzlement of public funds. This article describes the main objectives and implications of the internal audit of the public procurement mechanism, the risk of illegal, inefficient, ineffective budget spending at an early stage.

Role of the russian federation on the world grain market


Release: 2018-3 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-16-21

Annotation: The grain market is an important element of the general market of the Russian Federation. Its development affects not only the nature of the reproductive process of the national economy, but also the macroeconomic indicators. The grain market depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the country as a whole. Since it is a strategically important segment of the economy, the political climate in the state depends on its yield. The aim of the work is to analyze the world grain market, as well as to study the role of the Russian Federation on it. In the course of the research, methods of empirical research were used. In particular, a comparison was made between the main indicators of the world market and the place of the Russian Federation on it. Thanks to the application of theoretical research methods, analysis and synthesis, the main features of the grain market were identified and characterized. Also, the main factors influencing the development of the world grain market were revealed. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that over the past 3 years, despite the crisis trends, the Russian Federation has strengthened its positions and has taken a leading position in the production and export of grain crops. Over the past 10 years, the dynamics of changes in the volume of grain production in the world and in Russia completely coincide. Thus, the diversity of natural conditions in Russia neutralizes the impact of local factors affecting yields. The main factors and patterns that determine the productivity in the world will also act for the Russian Federation.