Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Organization of small business budget support on regional level


Release: 2016-4 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-4-30-35

Annotation: The article deals with the process of organizing small business support at the regional level. This process is considered on the example of GBU "Small business of Moscow". The specificity and dynamics of this institution providing services in support of business in the Moscow region. Disadvantages of regional budget to support small businesses. Measures to improve the efficiency of the state budget to support small businesses

The boundaries of Moscow certain transport infrastructure and the "Marchetti wall"


Release: 2016-3 (18)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-3-34-37

Annotation: The author of the article explores the example of Moscow tool "Marchetti Wall", which defines the size of the city in a minute and the time of the measurements, and, in the end, the geometric dimensions of the city. The area covered by the wall Marchetti, roughly coincides with the boundaries of Moscow. State involvement in the redistribution of the market shares of the passenger traffic between individual and public transport leads to a decrease in the quality of transport infrastructure

The investment climate of the arctic zone RF


Release: 2016-1 (16)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-36-47

Annotation: The article focuses on general characteristics of the investment climate of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, analyses its structure (through the example of the investment climate of certain arctic regions), and suggests potential areas of focus in the improvement work

Efficiency of intraorganizational communications in the industry


Release: 2016-2 (17)

DOI: 10.212777/2307-6135-2016-2-41-45

Annotation: This article represents the results of an experimental study of intra-communication in an industrial enterprise. As object of research is the special category of personnel – young employees aged till 35 years is chosen. By results of research features of communication of young specialists are proved, the main communication barriers are defined, recommendations about optimization of intraorganizational communications at the industrial enterprise are offered

On the question of financial and monetary methods used CBR


Release: 2016-4 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-4-35-43

Annotation: This article discusses methods of monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in modern conditions. Analyzes the contradictions in the assessments of the crisis processes in the banking sector of the state. Showing regard the fundamental theory and advanced management solutions in the inflation adjustment