Release: 2012-1 (1)

Keywords: innovation development, forecasting, social and economic development potential, innovative scenario of socio-economic development
Annotation: This article discusses the need for transition to innovative development of the Russian economy, reveals the main provisions of innovative development of socio-economic potential of the country until 2030 to bring some predictive values of macroeconomic indicators.
Innovative development of the Russian economy
Keywords: Innovation, innovative activity, logistics management, Kondratyev’s cycles, crisis, increase, development
Annotation: «Innovation» term analyzed, and author’s definition suggested in this article. Process of innovation activity in terms of logistics management reviewed, recommendations given. Russia’s innovative development problem is mentioned, theoretical aspects in examples of Kondratyev’s cycles is reviewed, and practical suggestions are given.
Intellectual labour as a basis of the Russian economy development
Keywords: Management, development, strategy, priorities, intellectual labour, intellectual property
Annotation: This article shows experience of foreign countries on management of priority development, stimulation of intellectual work and registration of intellectual property which is recommended to be used in management of development of economy of Russia.
Valuable and semantic ontology of modern research university formation
Keywords: Research university; intellectual educational product; intellectual capital; ecology of personality; methodological and professional knowledges.
Annotation: In the article general requirements come to light to the educational sector of economy of knowledges in the person of higher educational establishments. Investigated and determined new quality of educational product, that allows to specify requirements to the modern research university; determination of essence of such institute of higher is given. The general theoretic contours of research university are developed as a producer of the newest knowledges.
Foreign experience of innovative development of personnel capacity in a company
Keywords: innovations, personnel potential, model of innovative development
Annotation: In article stored experiment of the Japanese companies on human resource management is analyzed, the major factors defining prestige of any production organization reveal, the basic principles of innovative development of personnel capacity of the Japanese organizations for which are investigated the accounting of political and structurally functional aspects, and also improvement of administrative activity is characteristic
Regularities and current trends in the world economy development: the factors defining dynamics and the direction of innovative development
Keywords: world economy, regularities and current trends of development, control system, factors of dynamics and evolution direction.
Annotation: Reguarities of development of the world economy from positions of joint influence of big cycles of economic activity of N. D. Kondratyev, intermediate-term cycles eonomic S. Kuznetsa's activity, minor cycles of economic activity of K. Zhuglyar and J business cycles are analysed. Kitchina. The factors defining dynamics and the direction о evolution of control systems in 2012 and 2013 are revealed.
The necessity, ways and institutions of state stimulation of innovative activity in organizations
Keywords: state innovative policy, state regulation, stimulation of innovative activity of the organizations.
Annotation: In article theoretical provisions on innovative activity of the organizations are investigated, the state policy of Russia in the field of development of innovations is analyzed, offers and the recommendations are formulated, allowing is deeper, system and in a complex to investigate problems of stimulation of innovative activity of the organizations.
Infrastructure as necessary condition of sustainable development of the city’s innovative economy
Keywords: infrastructure, sustainable development, city, innovative economy, innovative model of an infrastructure development of the city, choice of the directions and priorities of infrastructure arrangement of the city.
Annotation: In article it is said that the sustainable development of an innovative city economy demands: existence and successful functioning of necessary infrastructure conditions in the cities on the basis of the theory automatic systems accompanied by the organization from the state and the mechanism of a choice of priorities and selective support in creation of infrastructure conditions. For this purpose it is necessary to develop multiple innovative model of an infrastructure development of the city.
Modern economic mechanisms of innovative activity stimulation in defense industry enterprises
Keywords: military-industrial complex, innovation, innovative activity
Annotation: The military-industrial complex of Russia as a core, integrated industry of the national economy, is characterized by extreme diversity of industries and types of technological equipment. Innovative action of the military-industrial complex is crucial to sustainable development. But, unfortunately, in recent years, innovative activity in the national economy, and in the defense industry remains at a low level. In this paper we characterize modern economic mechanisms to encourage innovative activity organizations of military-industrial complex.
The analysis of standard and legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation
Keywords: innovation, the legal regulation
Annotation: State innovation policy is a part of social and economic policy and is aimed at improving state regulation, development and promotion of innovation. She realized, in particular, with the help of legal mechanisms of state support. In this paper we analyzed the legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation.
Risk management of innovative projects: system approach
Keywords: Risk management, innovation projects
Annotation: In article the problems connected with a risk management of innovative projects are considered. The factors influencing uncertainty of economic decisions are revealed, consequences of realization of brave situations are analysed, qualification of risks in the innovative sphere is given, tendencies of constructive development of brave situations are established, the model of coordination of innovative and investment process is developed.
Problems of activity development in small and medium businesses in Chechen republic
Keywords: small business, investments, the competitive environment, the problems of economic restructuring
Annotation: This article discusses issues relating to the small business that can provide the required in Chechnya market saturation, the tendency to price stability, the competitive environment, which is the driving force in economic development. Small businesses, without requiring large upfront investments, guarantees quick turnaround resources to help economically and efficiently solve problems restructuringzation of the economy
Special economic zones of business: theory and practice
Keywords: special economic zones, requirements to the exported and imported goods
Annotation: In article the concept of creation of special economic zones as instrument of attraction of the foreign capital for impulse giving to development of economy of the region is considered
Cooperative business in agrarian sector of the United States of America
Keywords: cooperatives, agriculture, the agricultural sector of the economy
Annotation: This article describes the development of cooperative businesses in various parts of the U.S.A. Cooperatives, as well as private firms and corporations use many advanced forms of service.
Problems and prospects of the farms development in transition economy of Russia
Keywords: Small business, country (farmer) farms, problems, state support, target program
Annotation: State of the farms in the economic system of the country has been described. The problems, interfering with modern farms activities have been considered. The main directions of the farms government support have been analyzed. Possible results of the sectorial target program realization have been.
Food security in animal husbandry branch: regional aspect
Keywords: the food safety, the food market, the region, the agricultural organization, the strengthening, the meat association, meat cattle breeding, the stock raising
Annotation: The article reveals the basic problems of food safety of the Russian Federation. The regional special features of food safety are indicated. The distinctive directions of food safety of the Ryazan region within the branch of stock raising are determined. The estimation of the contemporary state of the branch of stock raising in the investigating region is given. Problems are revealed and direction of strengthening food safety within the branch of stock raising in the Ryazan region is determined.
Conceptual aspects of the system of work rationing management at the enterprise
Keywords: business administration, management, system measurement of labor, microelement measurement of labor
Annotation: Investigate the importance of standardization in the enterprise. Defined its role and place in the general system of management and personnel management system. Analyzes the significance of the valuation of labor and its impact on the various elements of the enterprise. The issues of the interaction with the valuation of labor wages, technological preparation of production, marketing and social policy. Proposed to increase the validity of indicators of labor by improving the system of regulation of labor. Forming recommendations for the management system of work measurement. The necessity to improve the methodological development and application of trace element valuation work.
State regulation of the population reproduction
Keywords: Population, reproduction, demography, birth rate, mortality, science about migration, priority directions of a science
Annotation: The real picture of a condition of the population of Russia, tendency to extinction, experiment of foreign countries on stimulation of growth of population is shown, offers on management of population reproduction of a way of development of the theory and practice, scientific justification of ways of complex influence on reproduction of the population of the Russian Federation in general and its efficient part in particular are given.
Social investments and their impact on intellectualization of human capital assets
Keywords: social responsibility of business; the effectiveness of social reproduction; social investment; human capital; knowledge economy
Annotation: The paper describes the peculiarities of the concept of social responsibility of business as a system that regularly provides improved social reproduction and the competitiveness of national economy based on innovation, the basic element of which is investment in human development.
About cost in general and customs cost in particular
Keywords: Cost, price, system analysis, the law, the customs value
Annotation: The article from the standpoint of economic theory and systems analysis addressed some concerns reflect the economic laws in customs.
Methods of integral evaluation of risk events by qualitative and quantitative parameters
Keywords: Quantitative assessment of brave events, quality standard of risks, hybrid model, assessment of brave event
Annotation: The real work is devoted to development of the methodology, allowing to combine quality and quantitative standards of various risk factors for adoption of the integrated decision on object at carrying out its risk analysis. Integration of quantitative information and qualitatively presented knowledge by creation of the corresponding algorithms allows to expand essentially carrying out possibilities risk analysis of objects of difficult systems and to justification of actions for management with them.