Release: 2013-3 (5)

Keywords: region, socio-economic assessment, clustering, medical personnel, sickness rate
Annotation: This paper considers the development of the socio-demographic situation on the regional level. Of special scientific interest is the multi-dimensional classification of the administrative-territorial entities of the region according to the major medical and demographic indicators and their cohesion with the availability of medical staff in the region.
Conceptions of local self-government in metaphysical metodology
Keywords: local self-government, pseudo-sphere, temporal power, clerical power, democracy, state of law, liberalism, conservatism
Annotation: The article is about interaction of state institutions and local self-government in metaphysical methodology. Characteristic features and principles of interaction in nominalistic and realistic conception are presented. It is shown that there is a variety of pseudo-spheres functioning of local self-government institutions at nominalistic and realistic conception of local self-government.
Infrastructural approach − innovative method of ensuring balance and stability of economic development of city
Keywords: infrastructure, sustainable development, city, innovative economy, innovative model of management of infrastructural development of city, choice of directions and priorities of infrastructural arrangement of city
Annotation: The author proves that infrastructural approach is an innovative method of ensuring balance and stability of the development of an innovative city economy. It includes the existence and the successful functioning of necessary infrastructural conditions in cities on the basis of the choice of priorities and selective support in creation of infrastructure conditions. For this purpose it is necessary to work out a strategy of social and economic development of the city and the innovative model of management of the infrastructural development of the city.
Identification of crisis situations of financial and economic activity of enterprises and methods of overcoming crisis
Keywords: crisis, capital, financial position, financial risk, financial analysis
Annotation: In the article the analysis of the causes of the crisis in enterprises is presented. The basic principles of identification of crisis situations of financial and economic activity and the methods of overcoming the crisis are given.
Informatization, marketing and logistics as basis for successful enterprises activity
Keywords: informatization, marketing, logistics, market economy
Annotation: The article shows the role of informatization in business, recommendations for the establishment of a unified information system are presented. Marketing is shown as a source of information for doing business. The article also introduces the concept of logistics, logistics principles and guidance for the enterprise to use it extensively.
Effectiveness of situational centers and human factor
Keywords: estimating efficiency, situational center, activities, human factor
Annotation: The article deals with the questions of human factor influence on the efficiency of the construction and functioning of situational centers organizational systems – departments, institutions and enterprises.
Creation of explaining chains of smallest length at criteria ordered on importance with ordinal scale
Keywords: multicriteria problems of decision-making, theory of importance of criteria, serial scale, explaining chains
Annotation: The new algorithm of comparison of options for solution of a multicriteria task is presented in the article by the methods of the theory of importance of criteria for the case when all criteria are ordered according to the importance and have the general ordinal scale. Unlike well-known algorithms the given algorithm constructs explaining chains of the smallest length. The exact values of the maximum lengths of chains are experimentally received at a small number of criteria and gradation of a scale.
Potential non-dominating in problems of choice of several best options
Keywords: problems of choice, partial relations of preference, potential optimality, non-dominating, potential non-dominating
Annotation: In the article the problems of decision-making on a choice of several best options when there is incomplete information on preferences of the person making decisions are investigated. The set of options for making the choice is presented, and the characteristics of the options are analyzed.
Protection of intellectual capital of company in modern conditions
Keywords: intellectual capital, human capital, organizational capital, capital relations, economic security, threat
Annotation: Intellectual capital is the key competitive advantage in modern economy. Its defense is a complex, continuous process, requiring separate planning and matching with the policies of economic security and long-term strategy of the company. Protection of the intellectual capital of the company is associated with the development of intellectual capital.
Order of conducting accounting of fixed assets at enterprise
Keywords: fixed assets, assessment, classification, primary documents, re-evaluation of fixed assets and order of its reflection in accounting and tax accounting
Annotation: One of the leading sections of accounting at the enterprise is the accounting of fixed assets. Quite a lot of mistakes, omissions and inaccuracies are made in this field. During tax auditing of the enterprise it subsequently leads to additional charging of tax payments, penalties and fines. To avoid such phenomena, the author dwells on some of the assets accounting features.