Release: 2016-1 (16)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-3-14
Keywords: the evolutionary model, new technological way, innovational reproduction, information systems, the robots of structure, the automated systems, a goals management of manufacture, forecast-ing, control parameters, an intellectual work, a levy machinery, tax stimulation
Annotation: In the scientific article development of model of innovational type reproduction is analyzed. The human society is shown as in historical process has approached to the realization of new model of evolutionary development based on information systems. Necessity structural alterations economic systems is proved on the basis of innovations and necessity of reorganization of structure of reproduction on the basis of technologies of the fourth technological way, creation of factories on manufacture of robots for creation completely automated systems of machines and technological complexes on release of instruments of labour and the consumer goods. Necessity of attraction highly intellectual work and maintenance of general higher education. New target management methods by manufacture and system критериальных parameters and the control measuring instruments providing continuous growth of efficiency of reproduction are offered. Modernization of a levy machinery for the purposes of stimulation
Practical application of the «rule of 70» in the process of forecasting inflation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-15-18
Keywords: inflation, prices, the inflation rate, products
Annotation: This article examines the methodology of calculating inflation, namely practical application of the method of calculating the period of doubling of the price level also known as the «rule of 70». This tool, like other economic indicators, enhances the effectiveness and speed of analysis and conclusion economic situation in the country
Assessment of import dependency in the sanctions period and the prospects of import substitution in the economy of the Russian Federation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-19-23
Keywords: imports, import substitution, export, sanctions, competitiveness
Annotation: The article describes the main trends in the development of national industry, observed in the Russian economy before the introduction of Western countries ' sectoral sanctions and the potential development of a new, targeted programme aimed at improving the competitiveness of national goods and services, primarily in the domestic market in conditions of partial isolation from Drupal modules-exporters of goods and services in the Russian Federation. Also, the article presents the main problems (contradictions) that are associated with the occurrence of the failure of the market and the state in the implementation of programs of import substitution in the Russian Federation
Analysis of factors affecting the stability of the ruble in the conditions of macroeconomic uncertainty
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-24-30
Keywords: key rate, the Pearson correlation coefficient, GDP, currency intervention
Annotation: One of the main reasons for the instability of the ruble is the dependence of the Russian economy on oil prices, as well as the price of oil expressed in US dollars, and the relationship between the rate of the US dollar and the ruble is obvious. The following article will be more detailed, considered the dependence of these indicators and their impact on the stability of the ruble
Development of special economic zones in Russia: institutional aspect
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-30-36
Keywords: special economic zone, an innovative way, regional development, competitiveness, public-private partnership
Annotation: The article deals with problems in the functioning of tourist-recreational special economic zones in Russia today. Showed a conflict of interest at the institutional level. Analyzes key indicators of four of the seven existing zones. An attempt to identify cause-and-effect relationships of destabilization in the development of special economic zones
The investment climate of the arctic zone RF
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-36-47
Keywords: Arctic, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, investment climate
Annotation: The article focuses on general characteristics of the investment climate of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, analyses its structure (through the example of the investment climate of certain arctic regions), and suggests potential areas of focus in the improvement work
Development of fishery within strengthening of food security of the state
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-48-51
Keywords: fishery, food security, branch, development, concept
Annotation: In article the assessment of a current state of fishery of the russian federation is given, the ratio is shown is export – import operations in fish branch. Prospects of development of fish branch within strengthening of food security of the state are defined
Insurance market of Russia: problems and prospects of development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-51-57
Keywords: insurance, insurance market, property insurance, personal insurance, insurers
Annotation: In article features of the insurance market of Russia are opened. Causings and tendencies of its change are defined. Problems and prospects of development of the insurance market in the Russian Federation are opened
Small business development in the oil market of the republic of Tatarstan
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-58-63
Keywords: Oil and gas industry, Republic of Tatarstan, diversification, Positioning, Petrochemical production, petrochemical production factors
Annotation: The most important condition of dynamic development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic, first of all, OAO «Tatneft», is a diversified company, its positioning as a vertically integrated holding company that includes oil and gas wing, oil refining and petrochemical production
The prospects of the scenario of the development of the national economy – «a new product, but associated with existing, new market»
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-64-72
Keywords: prospects, scenarios of development, national economy, «product – market»
Annotation: From the standpoint of the GAP analysis considered the prospects for the implementation of the scenario «new product, but associated with existing, new market». The analysis was performed consistently as the complexity of scenario combinations, starting from option «existing product-existing market»
Modern approaches to the definition of «region»
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-72-77
Keywords: region, spatial approach, development, socio-economic system
Annotation: The article conducts the study of essence of the notion «region», systematization of approaches to the interpretation of this term. Proposed revised interpretation of the term «region». Applied and justifies a systematic approach to the study of regions. Identified priority problems of development of regions, which concentrated the attention of domestic scientists
Innovative activity of city’s population as a factor of effective regional economy operation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-77-87
Keywords: innovative activity, rating, factors of innovative economy development
Annotation: During the short period Russian cities must do a significant jump in the innovation development of its economy. Much is being done. 2thinknow analysts have done the rating of innovative cities of the world. Moscow has occupied 74th place in the top 100, St Petersburg – 84th. Eighteen our cities is down below in the rating. Important is the weakening of disincentives. The main problems of the modern ideology of economic management of the country are engaging in innovative - investment activity of the population. Innovation activity of individual citizens and the level of development of innovative activity of the urban population is an integral part of the effective functioning of the economy. It is determined by the factors of city development, the nature and amount of investment. Through the stimulation of capital accumulation, including savings, investment, innovation, active participation, youth, workers of enterprises and organizations increases the rating of the region (city)
Domestic and foreign experience targeted program planning
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-87-92
Keywords: planning, program-target method, government programs, budget, foreign experience
Annotation: This article discusses the domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of program-target method of budget planning. The effective approach in the implementation of program-target method abroad, as well as the feasibility of implementation of these methods in Russia
Integration strategy of marketing of the University and criteria of its effectiveness
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-92-98
Keywords: Strategy, marketing, integration, University, methodology, quality diagnostics, marketing strategy, efficiency, criteria, integration
Annotation: Discusses the methodology for developing marketing strategies. Are the diagnostic signs and assessment of the quality of marketing strategy. Analyzes the weaknesses and competitive advantages marketing strategy of one of the universities of the Russian Federation. Formulated proposals for its improvement through integration. Presents criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of integration strategies of marketing of the University
Features of the development of TNCs in the context of globalization
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-99-107
Keywords: globalization, ecological safety, economic competitiveness, social justice, TNCs, integration, international standards, innovative trend, the integration of production, flexibility in management, corporate support, HR-departments, HR-management
Annotation: In this article the author considers the problems of globalization through the prism of sustainability issues environmental safety, economic competitiveness, social justice. The authors identified factors of influence and development trends of the HR function in Russian enterprises; six driving factors that today contribute to the creation in Russia of special conditions for HR professionals and have a significant impact directly on the function of personnel management.
The State support of small and medium enterprises in foreign countries
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-108-114
Keywords: SME, public support, public policy, tax incentives, subsidies, customs-tariff regulation, public procurement, standardization
Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of the forms of public support for malogoi medium-sized businesses in foreign countries. The study analyses the world experience implementing measures of the State support aimed at stimulating entrepreneurial activity, and discusses the most popular business support mechanisms
Analysis of the application of normative legal regulation of labor relations
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-114-118
Keywords: protection of rights, the National Standard of the Russian Federation, social responsibility, labor inspection, the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, labor practices
Annotation: The author has studied the topic important and relevant focus. In this paper we consider the problem associated with unfair labor practices in human resource management service, as well as the state protects the rights and interests of workers. In particular, relying on labor law are examples of violations of the reception, registration, staff layoffs. In addition, attention is paid to the development of social activity of employees aimed at protecting their rights
Main trends of domestic publishing industry
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-118-123
Keywords: book publishing; book market; e-books
Annotation: This article analyzes the processes taking place in the domestic publishing industry and book market. In the conditions of crisis in the economy, the demand for products transformed the book industry, including under the influence of the spread of electronic books. Identify promising directions of development of the enterprises in this market
Use of information technologies in management of city logistics
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-123-127
Keywords: logistics, city logistics, information technology, logistics system, e-government
Annotation: The review of the information systems and technologies which are actively used and introduced in city logistics for the solution of practical tasks in the sphere of management, municipal economy, and also in region ecology is provided in article
The use of information and technology governance model (ITMA) in decision making
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-128-135
Keywords: information technology governance model, decision-making
Annotation: The content and stages of formation of information and technological management model (ITMA). Presented the matrix structure of the ITMA in the «control function element management system organization». Demonstrated the ITMA and the benefits of its use