Release: 2017-1 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-3-8
Keywords: Territorial branding, social entrepreneurship, infrastructure of the Arctic zone, social re-sponsibility of business
Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the emphasis is on issues of social entrepreneurship and the development of the region's infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the draft Federal Law «On the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation», namely, the role of entrepreneurship in the text of the law.
Cognitive structure of economics and ways of tacit knowledge quality increasing
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-9-20
Keywords: System of tacit knowledge, cognitive competence, cognitive structure of the economy, the quality of tacit knowledge, exchange-chat, economic genotype
Annotation: The subject of this article is a system of tacit knowledge, which is the basis for intellectual capital of a subject and a factor of the development of economics, where the role of unspeakable tacit knowledge is increasing. The purpose of the study is to find and substantiate the integral conditions and factors of improving the quality of the system of implicit knowledge as the ontology of cognitive and core competencies. In this context, the main logical tasks of the article are: research the essence, analysis of functional forms and detection of scientific-practical potential of the system of implicit knowledge; characteristic of tacit knowledge as the basis of intellectual capital, as well as the basis of cognitive structure of modern economics; development of key bases of scientific-practical paradigm of improving the quality of implicit knowledge. Scientific novelty of the article is to clarify the interpretation of the essence and the structuring of the system of implicit knowledge, as well as justifying the accelerated growth the role of unspeakable tacit knowledge in the framework of behavioral economics, the development of conceptual frameworks of improving the quality of intellectual capital as a factor in the production of cognitive competencies. It is proved that the system of tacit knowledge is becoming a key determinant of the development of modern behavioral economics and deep base of expanded reproduction of large-scale, continuous and radical innovation
Assessment of the feasibility of sustainable ecological and socio-economic development of Russia
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-20-27
Keywords: Sustainable development, human development index, the index of environmental efficiency, GDP, unemployment, forecast
Annotation: The article assesses the sustainability of society on the three pillars: economic and ecological well-being, human well-being. Country comparison is carried out on indicators and is determined by the place of Russia in the global society. It is concluded that at any given time, Russia does not have a steady-state, identifies the causes of this situation. Is determined by the potential for sustainable development, outlining the activities to achieve it
Some aspects of ensuring stability National banking system in Russia
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-27-33
Keywords: Bank; Banks; banking system; National banking system; financial stability; Financial security
Annotation: The article examines the experience of the functioning of the Russian banking system, provides an assessment of its quantitative and qualitative indicators, examines the indicators of the effectiveness of the banking system with the identification of problems and prospects for the development of the national payment system, analyzes credit conditions (for example, mortgages) in Russian banking organizations, Banking system of Russia and gives a comparative assessment of its results with analogs in the EEA countries. The generalization of the national conditions, factors and prerequisites for the further development of the banking system of Russia is aimed at strengthening the financial security of the state
Prediction of profits in the financial planning optimization for enterprise
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-33-39
Keywords: forecasting, budgeting, finance companies
Annotation: This article discusses some of the theoretical aspects of budgeting in the company. An algorithm for monitoring implementation of the budget, and proposes a settlement and analytical method of forecasting earnings
The integrated approach to a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the company
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-40-47
Keywords: complex assessment of efficiency of economic activities; resources; integrated indicators; intensive factors, extensive factors
Annotation: Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of financial and economic activity of the enterprise – an assessment resulting from the simultaneous study of aggregate indicators that reflect all or many aspects of the business processes and containing conclusions on the results of operations based on the detection of differences from the comparison base. It allows you to evaluate the dynamic and sustainable economic growth of the company, effective use of economic potential, status and reputation of the company in the market among clients and competitors, and its ranking among other businesses. Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the Company was investigated by the author on the basis of integrated indicators of efficiency of use of resources and integrated performance indicators; given a comprehensive assessment of the impact of resource use on the results of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
The Portuguese Republic: Currant Economic Situation
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-48-55
Keywords: Portugal; global economic crisis; Stability and Growth Pact; European Union; national economy; political parties
Annotation: The article analyzes Portuguese modern economy, which development takes place under influence of complex internal and external conditions. It describes the key stages and conditions of its development from the end of XX onward to nowadays. Particular attention is paid to anti-crisis strategies of leading political parties (social democratic and socialist), which formed a new model of growth basis
Research foreign trade relations of Republic of Serbia
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-55-60
Keywords: foreign trade, foreign trade relations, Republic of Serbia, turnover, trade balance
Annotation: The research describes tendency of foreign trade relations of Republic of Serbia, analysis foreign trade indicators of the country. The article represents indexes about foreign trade balance, structure of foreign relations, analysis turnover with the biggest trade partners
The way of innovative development of regions: The objective reality
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-60-67
Keywords: innovative development, indicators of development of the territory, innovation strategy, gross domestic product, the financing of R&d expenditure
Annotation: The article deals with problems of innovative development of Russian regions, for which the determining factor is the choice of a particular strategy of a region development depending on the chosen nature of investment development and maintaining the optimal structure of investment in R&d
Enhancing Russian Universities Promotion in International Educational Market
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-67-73
Keywords: promotion, marketing communications, International Educational Market
Annotation: The article considers actuality and instruments of promotion enhancement of Russian universities in Russian educational market, which is performed through marketing communications, i.e. public relations
Concept development of the concept of marketing consulting services
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-74-79
Keywords: marketing consulting services, marketing consulting services, macro, micro, and interactive system of marketing consulting services
Annotation: The article discusses issues related to the approaches of marketing consulting services concepts. Special attention is paid to the principles of system development of marketing consulting services. The structure of the marketing system consulting services is proposed. The characteristic features of marketing consulting services are revealed
To the issue of modern approaches to financial risk management of commercial banks
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-80-83
Keywords: financial risks, commercial banks management, credit risk, factors, risk, methods
Annotation: The article presents the risk factors of banking. Identified modern approaches to financial risk management of commercial banks. Revealed reduce banking risks in modern conditions
Main trends in the development of public-private partnerships at the present stage
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-84-88
Keywords: public-private partnership, concession law, efficiency, investment, infrastructure
Annotation: In recent years significantly increased the interest in PPP projects for 2014-2015 total number of projects, compared with 2013 increased by almost 10 times. Primarily, this is due to the development of the legislation on PPPs and public interest partners in the use of this mechanism for the development and modernization of infrastructure. Despite the promise that PPPs for the public partner, and for business, the most obvious problem faced by the representatives of the Russian Federation in the implementation of PPP projects is low activity of investors. The study reflected the current and expected situation in the field of public-private partnerships, and an overview of key issues and development prospects of the market
Formation of competitive mechanism in the market of dental services
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-89-95
Keywords: market of dental services, the factors that influence the development of dental clinics, com-petitive advantages, competitive organization
Annotation: The article presents a mechanism of competitiveness of the medical organization, with the help of content analysis of the main factors of competitive advantages of a dental clinic, defined organizational and technological tools and sequence of formation and management of competitiveness of the dental clinic
Enforcement of employment: the economic dimensio
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-96-102
Keywords: punishment, forced labor, microeconomics, labour contract, taxation, liability of the or-ganization
Annotation: With the introduction of the Russian Federation of a new kind of punishment is forced labor, a problem of registration relations bodies FSIN and commercial organization, which carried out the execution of the penalty. The article focuses on such relationships. The author considers this situation from the perspective of the organization that decides to use prison labour in their business operations. The focus is on the proper calculation of economic prudence