Release: 2017-3 (22)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-7-18
Keywords: The new technological stage, national management system, an evolutionary development of macrogeneration, macrogeneration development factors, society, people, knowledge, nature
Annotation: The article is devoted to problems of economic management for the transition to new technological way. Necessity of formation the national governance systems of evolutionary development is based in the article by complex unity of interacting subjects: society, people, knowledge, nature. It is proved that the new technological order is determined by the dynamics of macrogenerations’ development, that are leading factors of evolutionary progress. The genotypes of macrogenerations are studied uniting society, knowledge economy and nature in terms of task orientation to the development of new technological stage. Factors of macrogenerations’ development are reviewed. It is proposed the systematic approach of subjects’ interaction: society, man, knowledge, nature – for the formation of a national control system of macrogenerations for aims of development new scientific and technological stage.
Improvement of taxation of land in urban settlements
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-19-23
Keywords: Land of urban settlements, taxation of land in urban settlements, single tax on land, auction price of land
Annotation: Formulated the basic theoretical and methodological provisions improving of land taxation in urban settlements in the market conditions via introduction of single tax on land based on auction price of land.
Analysis of social and economic development of the city of Astana
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-24-31
Keywords: economy, transport, industry, provision of pensions, health care, salary
Annotation: In given to article social and economic development of the city of Astana is considered, data for a row of years are provided, indicators of the industry, a financial system, health care, education, etc. are studied.
Modern trends in the development of offshore centres and their relationship with the economies of the states
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-32-37
Keywords: offshore, world Finance centre, foreign direct investment, de-offshorization
Annotation: The article discusses trends in the development of some offshore centres, in particular the strengthening of the position of such centres in Asia. Statistical data confirming the involvement of financial flows from foreign economies to strengthen the international position of individual States.
Analysis of the dynamics of development of the banking system
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-38-43
Keywords: banking sector, banking system, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, the index of entropy, the dispersion of market share, concentration index, competition
Annotation: The article analyzes the dynamics of development of the banking system in the Russian Federation. The authors have investigated the structure of the industry market on the basis of the calculation of the concentration ratios, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, entropy index, variance of market shares. As a result of conducted analysis we can conclude that the Russian banking market is moderately concentrated market. In conclusion, proposed a number of measures to enhance the role of the banking sector.
Conceptual model of prediction of the securities market by methods of the fundamental analysis
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-44-49
Keywords: securities market; fundamental analysis; cluster analysis; tree solutions
Annotation: Modern approaches and methods of fundamental analysis are based on an assessment of the true value of a security based on the study of the economic, financial, political factors associated with it. The fundamental theory is related to institutional, financial, economic and social analysis. In this regard, the introduction of a mathematical approach to the assessment of the influence of fundamental events on the behavior of securities becomes topical.
Features compilation of non-financial reporting in socially oriented non-profit organizations
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-50-53
Keywords: socially oriented non-profit organization; reporting on sustainable development; stakeholders; GRI guidelines; internal and external social aspects of the enterprise
Annotation: The article reflects the contents and features of development of non-financial records of socially oriented nonprofit organizations. Identifies priority social and economic aspects of activities WITH NGOs, discusses the specific standard disclosures in the area of sustainable development on the example of the Charitable Foundation Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable children’s Fund “Victoria”.
Economic methods in the system of methods of management decisionmaking In management
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-54-59
Keywords: classification, methods, management decisions, management, economic methods
Annotation: Methods of managerial decision-making (SDI), classified by technologies of managerial decision-making. The results of the author’s systematization of the classification of SDIs in areas of applied management. Gives a brief description of economic methods to the managerial decision-making as scientific methods of management.
Statistical analysis of national logistics
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-60-63
Keywords: logistics, statistical analysis, transport
Annotation: The analysis of statistical data, which indirectly characterizes the state of national logistics, is presented, corresponding conclusions are drawn.
The quantitative evaluation methods of institutional labour productivity on enterprises of cleaning market
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-64-71
Keywords: institutions, labour productivity, quantitative analysis, cleaning market
Annotation: The article explores economic processes in the framework of institutional theory, penetrating into the subject area of labour economics. The aim of this work is to introduce a new institutional approach to the interpretation of the concept of labour productivity and quantitative methods of its measurement. The original research of the market has been carried out using the methodology for the field of personal services. The results of the quantitative analysis are used by business entities in order to improve intra-firm routines and rules of business organization and to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. The quantitative assessment of institutional labour productivity has not been undertaken in economic literature so far and turns out to be new. The article presents such research areas for young scientists which will allow expanding the market of cleaning services.
Technoparks in the development of innovative infrastructure of the city
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-72-75
Keywords: innovative economy, innovative activity, technopark, innovative infrastructure
Annotation: The article reveals the structure and main results of the activity of the technoparks in Minsk, presents the main directions for increasing their efficiency.
State regulation of the confectionery market
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-76-85
Keywords: the confectionery market, regulation, legislation, harmonization, globalization, technical regulations, non-governmental organizations
Annotation: The article is devoted to research of the international documents on the confectionery markets’ regulation; the documentation at the level of the countries and regions was studied (EU, USA, RF); the directions of non-governmental organizations’ activity on the development of the domestic confectionery industry are recommended
Evaluation of the tourist potential of Polotsk city and Polotsk region
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-86-89
Keywords: tourist potential, tourist attraction, region (city)
Annotation: The category “tourist potential of the region (city)” is considered as a basis for the formation of its tourist attractiveness. Possible directions for the study of the tourist potential of the region (city) are presented. An evaluation of the tourist potential of the Polotsk city and the Polotsk region was carried out according to the directions selected by the author.
Film festival as a factor of development of social infrastructure and touristic attraction of the region
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-90-94
Keywords: film industry, film festivals, Krasnoyarsk region, culture, Sakhalin region, tourism, economy of socio-cultural sphere
Annotation: This article is devoted to the theme of film festivals and their significance for the development of tourism and ncultural and educational infrastructure in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors consider several examples of foreign event tourism and several film-related events held in Russia. The article gives an analysis of some film festivals existing in different regions of the Russian Federation, their cultural and economic significance, advantages and disadvantages. The authors conclude that film festivals have the potential to be significant events not only for the film industry, but for the society as a whole, as in the framework of such events it is possible to hold not only recreational activities, but also training, and on the basis of film festivals it is possible to create whole public institutions, serving to improve the cultural infrastructure of the regions
Development of intellectual capital as a function of cognitive quality of corporate trust
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-95-104
Keywords: trust, corporate trust, system paradigm, intellectual capital, corporate trust brand
Annotation: The article is devoted to revealing the cognitive nature of trust and corporate trust relationships in the context of their influence on improving the quality of an enterprise’s intellectual capital as an integrity. The cognitive content of trust is disclosed as a system of implicit knowledge, and social competencies that ensure the formation, development and use of trust in ensuring economic stability and increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise are characterized. The methodological basis of the research is the unity of the ontological and phenomenological analysis of corporate trust relations as a factor in influencing the knowledge and competence of the organization’s employees. The scientific novelty of the provisions of the article is to substantiate the cognitive nature and productive force of corporate trust relationships in the modern behavioral economy. The scientific and practical significance of the findings of the study lies in the possibility of further developing the concept of the effectiveness of intellectual capital as a function of developing corporate trust.
Organizational models of teaching intercultural and interlanguage communication
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-105-110
Keywords: intercultural competence, intercultural communication, corporate teaching, educational outsourcing, in-company training, out-of-company training, knowledge management, teaching workshop, teaching-quality control
Annotation: The article researches main organizational models of corporate teaching a foreign language as a means of forming staff’s readiness for intercultural and interlanguage communication in contemporary open professional communicative space. It reviews main interpretations of corporate teaching and specific traits of teaching a foreign language in this system. It weighs pros and cons of different models of this management process.