Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Methods of examination of large-scale transport project


Release: 2014-4 (7)

Annotation: The principles, models, methods, algorithms and techniques described examination of large-scale investment projects of reconstruction of the transport corridor are considered. They are illustrated by the example of technological and price auditing complex project - reconstruction, maintenance and development of the infrastructure of East railways Russia - Trans-Siberian and BAM. During the audit, benchmarking is used - search and analysis of similar projects of the constituent their programs implemented in domestic and international market. Describes the methods of examination of compliance cost activities and programs of the project of reconstruction of the transport corridor costs with respect to domestic and foreign counterparts.

E-learning and the problem of understanding scientific text


Release: 2014-3 (6)

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on designing and developing an e-learning course. An approach to solving the problems of generation and understanding of scientific text and multimedia of the e-learning course in cognitive-discursive paradigm. Proposed criteria, characterizing the e-learning system as a special type of text. Present proposals for architectonics of e-learning course, takes into consideration individual learner’s preferences. Describes the tasks for further research.

Argumentation in inductive notion formation


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: The methods of processing incomplete and inconsistent information in such subsystems of intel-ligent decision support systems as a decision searching subsystem of acquiring and storing knowledge are considered. In the decision searching subsystem, the main stress is made on the application of argumentation with justification degrees. In the acquiring and completion subsystem, the generalization problem in conditions of inconsistent and incomplete data is solved. For data generalization, the algorithm based on the rough set theory is developed. Research of noise influence on the work of the suggested generalization algorithm is carried out. The results of program modelling are presented.

Pictorial-verbalpresentationatmathematics lessons


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: The organization of interest of pupils in work, attraction of their attention, motivation of cognitive activity. Complex application of tasks together with standard text tasks within non-standard lessons.

The use of global navigation satellite systems to support intelligent transportation systems


Release: 2014-5 (8)

Annotation: The article describes the global navigation satellite system as a basis of support for intelligent transportation systems. The article describes the use of intelligent transportation systems for the management of all types of transport, including sea and river. The article describes the difference between intelligent systems and automated control systems. The article describes the conditions for the application of intelligent transport systems. The paper highlights the role of the Russian government decree No. 641 for the development of traffic management and for the development of intelligent systems. The article highlights features of the current state of the development of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of activity of the Ministry of Maritime and River Transport of Russia. In the article the problem of the use of ITS in the field of marine and inland water transport