Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"
All rubrics
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: choice, decision theory, technique of ranking multicriteria alternatives, justification, mul-ticriteriality
Annotation: The article deals with the problem of choosing student group elders from the decision theory point of view. We propose an ELECTRE technique for solving this problem. Results of the ap-plication ELECTRE method on several groups reviewed and summarized.
Assessment of the statistical characteristics of cloudiness at insolation of solarbatteries
Release: 2014-5 (8)
Keywords: cloudiness, insolation, PV-battery, empirical model
Annotation: The article describes some results of comparative studying of cloudiness-index relative to insolation of solar PV-batteries. Some recommendations for cloudiness absorption analytical model are proposed. Those recommendations take into consideration the statistical nature of cloudiness
Combined search in VLSI design
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: combined search, design, evolutionary computation
Annotation: The paper investigates the multipurpose search in the design based on the approaches inspired by the natural systems. Innovative and modified search architecture containing multilevel evolution is suggested in the given paper. So the decision process is parallelized and the problem of the algorithm preliminary convergence is partly eliminated. The fundamental difference of the suggested method is the division of the search process into two stages and various algorithms for each of them. Tests and experiments show the application perspectiveness for the developed ar-chitectures. The time complexity of algorithms is O(nlogn) in the best case and О(n3) in the worst case.
Program support of the expert assessment of criteria for creation of cognitive model
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: learning systems, competition approach, cognitive simulation
Annotation: The model of learning system when it transforms to new level oriented on the obtaining the students competitions according with 3-d generation of State Learning Standard. As basic formalism the dynamic model of competition grows obtained on basis of cognitive simulation is suggested.
Green wave
Release: 2014-5 (8)
Keywords: green computing – «green» calculations, scaling the voltage and frequencies, energy saving, energy efficient to technologies in the field of computing, processor, memory, formation and science, international project TEMPUS
Annotation: They are analysed main purposes, directions and technologies «green», energy saving calculations, under investigation in International educational project TEMPUS. In a short time with big share of probability «green» discipline will be taught in university not only for graduate students and masters, but also for specialists and bachelors.