Release: 2015-2 (7)

2015-2 (7)


Legal education of citizens of the Russian Federation


Annotation: The article considers the problem of legal education and legal awareness of the population in the Russian Federation, citizens. The author discusses the issues concerning the necessity of increase of level of legal culture; the reformation of the state policy in the field of improving the legal culture of the population. The most important directions of improvement of legal literacy of the population is the education of citizens of Russia on the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; carrying out state policy in the field of providing citizens with free legal help. The author notes that the great importance in the legal education of the population have the media and the effectiveness of legal advocacy, informing citizens about the changes in legislation

The suspension of activity of regional branches of political parties – analysis of law enforcement practice


Annotation: The article discusses the reasons for suspension of activity of regional branches of political parties. Defines the bodies authorized to make a statement to the court on suspension of activities of the regional branch of the political party

Problems Development of legal consciousness underinternational integration


Annotation: This article focuses on the main problems of influence of international integration on the legal consciousness and the ways of their solution. The authors analyze the influence of integration on legal consciousness from the position of migrants, who left their motherland, and from the position of local population

The prevention of professional deformation of students in Russia in the study course «profes-sional ethics of a lawyer»


Annotation: The article is devoted to the psychological and pedagogical understanding of prevention of professional deformation of students of the course "Professional ethics of a lawyer." It emphasizes the importance of new forms of communication and dialogue in education. It has been shown that an important task of the teacher is to develop young people's attitudes to overcome specific barriers to the introduction of the achievements of psychology, ethics in the daily practice of law enforcement. The author is convinced that the real professionals ethics should not be an abstract science, but an important and necessary part of their psychological culture capable of giving emerging market economy civilized

Development trends of civil laws and modern problems of operation of sources of civil law


Annotation: The article discusses the development of civil legislation in the Russian Federation at the present stage. The author analyzes the source base of the problem of civil rights and the actions of these sources

Debatable questions of differentiation of public and private law


Annotation: In article opinions of the Russian and foreign scientists on criteria of division of public and private law are investigated, various concepts are analyzed, versions are compared

Pension reform in Russia. What is its essence?


Annotation: This article is dedicated to one of the main issues of the law of social security of Russia – the new pension reform. In the framework of the analysis of important changes in pension provision, a special place is given to the consideration of the concepts of insurance and funded pensions, the new procedure of their calculation, the change of insurance experience, the introduction of individual pension factor and the pension points

Identification of corruption crimes in forensic bodies


Annotation: The article is devoted to countering corruption in the field of forensic activities (for example, forensic units of the Russian Federation MIA). The issues of prevention, suppression and detection of corruption offenses committed by employees who carry out forensic activities in the Russian Federation are considered

Development of legal regulation procedures investigation of crimes in the form of inquiry


Annotation: The article analyzes the legislative innovations of the inquiry in an abbreviated form, made comparative characteristics of inquiry in an abbreviated form with the protocol form of pretrial preparation materials

Modern understanding of the term deprivation of liberty


Annotation: This article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of the term "imprisonment". The publication identifies the main element of the content of imprisonment based on criminological doctrine, legislation and cases.

The brutality of the crime is not eradicated


Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of sentences by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Russian criminal legislation, which provide for its further humanization and liberalization. It is shown that the changes in the principles of justice and humanity, which reflect the trends of modern criminal policy aimed at the further development of the reform of the criminal law. The article examines the novelties of the draft law of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from the point of view of their effectiveness, including the prevention of crime