Release: 2017-2 (11)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-3-10
Keywords: Russian parliamentarianism; Russian civilization; government reform; Russian conflict; inconsistency of Russian history
Annotation: The article examines the nature of the Russian parliamentarism as the reflection characteristics of the historical development of the Russian statehood, including referred to the influence of European and Asian civilization on the Russian state, hypertrophied role of the supreme state power in the Russian society, a permanent process of state reform and conflict of Russian statehood and others. Disclosed are the most characteristic features of the present stage of Russian parliamentarism
Psychological theory of law l. I. Petrazhickogo, its essence and significance to contemporary legal science
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-10-13
Keywords: psychological theory, positive law, positive law, morality
Annotation: The article discusses some of the provisions of the psychological theory of law of L. Petrazhitsky. There are many benefits of this theory, its importance for the development of law in General and American schools
A strong state as a determining factor in social progress (review)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-13-15
To the question of the far eastern hectar
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-16-18
Keywords: land plot; Refusal to provide land; The procedure for granting a land plot
Annotation: The article: the article analyzes the provisions of the normative act regulating the procedure and peculiarities of granting land plots to the participants of the turnover
The rule of law and its role in protecting the rights of entrepreneurs
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-18-23
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, economic activity, freedom of entrepreneurial activity, the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of foreign countries, constitutional law
Annotation: The constitutional-legal aspect of the nature of freedom of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation and Western countries, in particular, in Great Britain
The state family policy of the Russian federation: status, problems and prospects
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-23-28
Keywords: family, family policy, family law
Annotation: This article analyses the legal basis for the implementation of State family policy of the Russian Federation
Analysis of legal instruments of regulation of protection and use the animal world
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-28-31
Keywords: fauna; habitat; reproduction; conservation and management; the Red book of the Russian Federation; state registration
Annotation: The article examines the issues of lighting in the Russian legislation of legal regulation of protection and use of objects of fauna
Features of the division of property of spouses according to the current legislation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-31-37
Keywords: divorce; property division; Legal regime of spouses’ property; The contractual regime of the property of the spouses; right common joint; The right of common shared ownership; Right of separate property
Annotation: The article explores the specifics and procedure for the division of marital property; The scientific points of view and jurisprudence on the problems under study are analyzed; Specific conclusions are formulated
Executive production of the Russian and foreign experience
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-38-40
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, the execution creditor, the debtor, the enforcement court
Annotation: The article presents a comparative analysis of the development of Executive production in Russia and foreign countries
Standards of International Treaties and the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-41-45
Keywords: criminal-executive law, criminal-executive relationships, source of the branch of the criminal-executive law, standard of the criminal-executive law, the system of the criminal-executive law
Annotation: The article examines the questions concerning understanding the source of the branch of the criminal-executive law. The author analyses the role of international treaties and the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the system of the sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law. The question of the methods of influence of standards of international treaties on evolution of criminal-executive relationships under integration tendencies is investigated. The status of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a material and formal source of the branch of the criminal-executive law is analyzed. It is proved that formal (juridical) sources of the branch of the criminal-executive law contain: international treaties legal standards of which are reciprocated and implemented into Russian criminal-executive legislation
To the question of the system of stimulating regulations in the criminal law
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-45-49
Keywords: criminal legislation, stimulating regulations, promotional regulations, system of stimulating regulations in the criminal law
Annotation: The author makes an attempt to form a system of stimulating regulations in the criminal law subject to the stages of committing a crime and the stages of realization of criminal responsibility
Establishing psychological contact As one of the factors of successful interrogation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-50-53
Keywords: tactics of interrogation, the questioning activity, the purpose of interrogation, psychological contact, ways of establishing psychological contact, method of persuasion, creating a welcoming environment
Annotation: This article is devoted to consideration of questions connected with peculiarities of establishment of psychological contact at interrogation on pre-trial investigation. It analyzes different points of view of scientists-criminalists on the content of the psychological contact and how to establish it