Author(s): Gusev D.A., Minaychenkova E.I., Potaturov V.A.

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-27-32

Release: 2022-3 (40)

Pages: 27-32

Keywords: logic, basic laws of logic, identity, law of identity, construction of educational material, didactics, educational interactions, motivation, cognitive interest

Annotation: It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the logic course in the system of higher and even secondary education, since the study of this discipline opens up wide opportunities for updating interdisciplinary connections, implementing educational, developmental and educational learning goals, increasing the cognitive interest of students and their motivation for education and self-education. The object of the study is an extended interpretation of the law of identity that goes beyond formal logic. The subject of the study is the application of an extended interpretation of the logical law of identity for the implementation of not only didactic, but also educational, as well as ideological goals and objectives of higher education. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the possibility of interpreting the law of identity not only as a formally logical principle of correct thinking, but also, much more broadly, as one of the laws of human existence. The research methods are pedagogical observation, empirical generalization, deductively and inductively organized conclusions, conclusions by analogy, abstraction, idealization, thought experiment and comparative analysis. The result of the work and one of its conclusions is the position according to which a wide range of educational opportunities depends not only and not so much on the science itself and the corresponding university discipline, but on what and how the teacher will tell (present) to his students as part of the training sessions. The authors of the article attempt to reveal and substantiate this statement by the example of studying such an important law of logic as the law of identity in the course of logic – how it is possible to simply, clearly, clearly and even fascinatingly explain this law and its role in thinking and speech, as well as to show that its effect may go far beyond it goes beyond formal logic and finds its expression and manifestation in the most diverse areas of human life. The scope of application of the research results is educational multidimensional interactions in both secondary and higher education.

Bibliography: Gusev D.A., Minaychenkova E.I., Potaturov V.A. EXTENDED INTERPRETATION OF THE LOGICAL LAW OF IDENTITY FOR MODERN STUDENTS: IDEOLOGICAL, DIDACTIC AND EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2022. – № 3 (40). – С. 27-32. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-27-32

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