Release: 2020-2 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-7-14
Keywords: social innovation, results of scientific and technical activities, social efficiency, economic efficiency, project
Annotation: The social and economic impact assessment of social-oriented scientific developments is aimed at supporting decision-making on investments in projects that transform such social novation’s into innovations. The article shows the increasing importance of human capital in various sectors of the economy. An attempt was made to expand the existing methodology and method for assessing the effectiveness of scientific developments of the economic profile, based on the classical principles of investment management. A system of indicators for assessing social and economic effects, as well as factors that make social innovations more popular in the social sphere, has been proposed. The authors propose a comprehensive system of indicators for assessing the social impact of implementing the results of NTD in the social sphere at various levels, based on the factors of social satisfaction of citizens and satisfaction with the working conditions of employees. In conclusion, the authors propose to cite a number of factors that can increase the rate of implementation of social developments and, accordingly, increase the effectiveness of this mechanism.
Theoretical analysis of the mechanism of negative impact of socio-economic inequality on the country’s development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-15-21
Keywords: qualitative analysis, socio-economic inequality, civilizational identity, universalism and individualism, spiritual and moral development
Monopoly rent and monopoly revenue as a result of the lack of a competitive mechanism
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-22-28
Keywords: Monopoly rent, monopoly revenue, competition, monopoly, competitive risk, market share
Annotation: In the article, the author considers the features of income distribution in situations of monopolization of the market. In such markets, due to a violation of the competitive balance, one or several very large enterprises are able to control the size and quality of the supply, as well as the price, which leads to an uneven distribution of income. The author claims that the unearned income that made and appropriated by the monopolist should be considered as monopoly rent or monopoly revenue, depending on whether this income is the result of an unfair distribution or the result of pumping wealth beyond the added value created. The author is inclined to consider various kinds of competition restrictions as the source of such phenomena as monopoly rent and monopoly revenue. The greatest attention in the article is paid to the consideration of monopoly rents and its theoretical calculation. In the calculations, it is proposed to build on the indicators achievable in conditions of perfect competition.
A model of managing the innovative activity of the company: a strategic approach
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-29-37
Keywords: innovation, strategy, strategic approach, market, business model, innovation maturity, sustainable development
Annotation: In the framework of this study, the absence of a systematic approach to working with innovations, the complexity of company transformation, the bureaucratization of processes, and the lengthy time frame for making decisions are identified as the main barriers in introducing innovations. According to the authors, the reason lies in the lack of new competencies for commercializing products both in the scientific community and the business environment, and among large companies. Over the past few decades, many Russian companies have not had time to adapt to new mechanisms of interaction and continue to use outdated management methods, internal resources and their own research base. This article presents the current model, which, using the strategic approach, will allow Russian companies to become more open to innovations, change their management structure and more efficiently introduce new technologies and solutions using various tools that have been widely used in Russia and the world in recent years.
Methodology for assessing the efficiency of the accounting system of the organization
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-38-47
Keywords: organization, system, accounting system, financial accounting, accounting, evaluation of the effectiveness of the accounting system, accounting information
Annotation: The article examines the issues of practical application of methods for assessing the effectiveness of the accounting system, gives a definition of the accounting system of the company, its effectiveness. Various theoretical approaches to the definition of key concepts included in the accounting system of domestic organizations in the framework of RAS are considered. The article defines the place and role of the accounting system within the company’s information field. Various approaches to quantitative and qualitative assessment of an organization’s accounting system are considered. The effectiveness of the accounting system is evaluated on the example of the domestic organization Vector-it LLC. The accounting system of the organization fully provides all users of management information with reliable and timely data for planning, control and other business operations. The efficiency of the accounting system plays a special role not only in the internal processes, but also in the management of the company’s foreign economic activity. Considering the emerging trend of active participation of owners in the management of the company, the importance of information in the accounting system is constantly increasing. This can explain the relevance of the topic of this article.
«Green» financing in russia: specific features, basic tools, problems of development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-48-54
Keywords: green Finance, green bonds, sustainable economic development, financing of environmental projects, green Finance tools
Annotation: The article examines the issues of development and formation of “green” financing in Russia. It is noted that currently “green” financing is becoming an integral component of achieving global and national sustainable development goals and forming a “green” economy, defining new environmentally sustainable contours and prospects for the development of the international financial system due to the active growth of the “green” segment of the global financial market and responsible investments. Financial and economic instruments in the “sphere” of the green economy, the specifics of the formation of “green” Finance in the country, as well as factors that hinder their development are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the fact that the investment paradigm itself is changing in favor of so-called transformative investments, or influence investments, which correspond not only to a certain level of economic expectations, but also have the potential for social and environmental impact. At the same time, the article concludes that there is a need for systematic, planned and coordinated institutional design of a multi-level system of various financial instruments, taking into account the characteristics of different types of investors, their incentives to implement “green” projects, as well as the potential effects of implementation.
The concept of formation of ecological rent
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-55-63
Keywords: waste, strategic management, geo-Economics, concept, Arctic, environmental rent, classification, assessment methodology, risk, low-waste technologies
Annotation: For the first time, a geo-economic concept of waste generation and minimization in the Arctic and other high-risk areas of nature management has been developed based on the regulation of environmental rent. It has not only regional, but also Federal and international significance. Based on the study of the experience of waste processing by enterprises of Onega, Ustyansky and other districts of the Arkhangelsk region, recommendations are formulated for the production of popular products from the waste of the timber industry. The model of optimization of mining waste is considered as part of the optimal reduction of the volume of waste dumps. It is based on a laser monitoring of the rock mass, optimization of the angle of and fixing the slope in the development of diamond deposits them after Lomonosov M. V. the Theoretical significance of the concept and its novelty, is determined for the first time developed a classification of ecological rent as a General criterion of classification of rent Resovskogo Y. V. – the source of formation. The methodology of its assessment for the first time systematically combines the normative method, analysis, comparison method and economic and mathematical modeling. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of forming a regional strategy for minimizing waste and environmental damage. The strategy is based on the noospheric scientific worldview, rent approach, classification, and methodology for assessing environmental rents. It is proposed to manage rents, socio-economic and environmental processes using the experience of the Permanent Fund of the state of Alaska, the United States and the Pension Fund of Norway.
Specifics of introducing reference pricing of water supply companies by taking into account foreign practice of tariff regulation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-64-72
Keywords: yardstick pricing, comparative method, water services, tariff regulation, Germany, Great Britain, foreign regulation experience, water services branch transparency
Annotation: Incentive methods of tariff regulation based on benchmark pricing are being introduced in various natural monopoly infrastructure industries currently in Russia. This determined a significant increase in sales markups in the field of electricity sales because the Russian retail energy market was not ready for innovations. In this regard, the introduction of benchmark pricing in the water supply sector should first of all begin with the organizational preparation of the industry for significant changes. Therefore, the authors investigated the experience of applying incentive regulation in the UK and Germany, as advanced countries with successful reform experience. On its basis, the authors identified the main parameters of the adaptive environment, which create the basis for increasing the efficiency of the introduction of a new method of tariff regulation. First of all, this is the need to increase the operation enterprises transparency due to the conditions created by the regulators for the disclosure of information. In the author’s opinion the creation of a disclosure system should precede the introduction of reference regulation. At the end of the article, the authors identified indicators, the disclosure of which will increase the information content of the water supply sector when introducing a new regulation method.
Prospects for the development of agglomeration in kazakhstan as a complex of innovative and active territories
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-73-78
Keywords: innovative and active territory; rural territories; environment; district planning; agglomerations; urban planning
Annotation: In urban planning, unlike economic conglomerate, the term “agglomeration” is adopted, referring to the accumulation of closely related settlements in conditions of extremely high population density, with the presence of a core city. In this case conditions pendular (daily) migration of the working (able-bodied) population of about 15 % of the population occupied in production are created. In addition, the share of inter-village territories in the agglomeration is much less than the territory of settlements. In Kazakhstan, a typical agglomeration is considered Shimkent and partially Almaty. In the future, according to the Regional Development Program, Astana and Aktobe settlement groups are also included in the agglomeration. However, the Regional Development Programme (RDP) uses the term “single agglomeration entity” in addition to the term agglomeration. For example, with respect to the Capital agglomeration, it is noted that the city of Karaganda tends to unite into the constituent part of the Astana agglomeration, as well as near the settlements lying near Karaganda (satellite cities, villages). They may well create a single agglomeration entity. Full formation of second level agglomerations (Aktube) is predicted only in the long term.
Performance contracts and their possible use in the process of modernizing and improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-79-84
Keywords: performance contracts, energy efficiency, energy management, energy service, ESCO, energy consulting, engineering companies
Annotation: The relevance of this research topic lies in the fact that the economic stimulation of energy saving requires the least capital investment among other possible means of improving financial performance of industrial enterprises and therefore relates to the priority, and the resulting energy saving measures energy savings provides industrial companies the opportunity to consistently reduce the cost of their purchase and enhance the quality of their use. One of the promising directions of economic incentives for energy saving of industrial enterprises is the introduction of the mechanism of «energy performance contracting». The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of using various forms of performance contracts in the process of modernization and energy efficiency of industrial enterprises. As a result of the study, the main types of performance contracts used in world practice were summarized, and a summary table was compiled that reflects the distribution of risks between a specialized ESCO and a customer of energy services. The final part of the article contains some recommendations aimed at developing performance contracting in the Russian energy saving market.
Economy and management on the translation market: international facet
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-85-92
Keywords: international translation market, translation economy, translation industry, intellectual business services, machine translation, new economy, creative economy, terminological systems unification
Annotation: The given paper views translation industry and intellectual business services development on international translation market. Within the framework of digital society and e-Government technologies implementation machine translation and terminological systems unification have been viewed as topical issues. Providing quality in translation services is seen as a factor in investment appeal of the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. The paper provides the EEU translation market analysis due to the trends outlined by the industry itself: business processes on the translation market and information services. It underlines special attention to the unresolved issue of terminological systems unification investigated by Irina Makarevich. Main reasons for translation market and integration tendencies translation economy dynamic development are shown from the viewpoint of new economy and creative economy. The authors propose some trends for the translation market development particularly in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Belarus.
Modern budgeting system in commercial organizations: concept, methodological basis and implementation risks
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-2-93-101
Keywords: organization, system, financial planning, budget, budgeting, construction organization, construction
Annotation: The article explores the issues of financial planning and budgeting of modern organizations. In the current difficult economic situation in Russia, it is important for the successful activities of enterprises to predict critical situations for them, to find the best solutions to get out of them. This necessitates the adoption of management practices and tools, of which management accounting is an integral part. One of the main elements of this system is budgeting. Budgeting is one of the most important factors of commercial success, as it helps the managers of functional departments to better understand and fulfill their tasks, evaluate the opportunities to achieve them in a timely manner, make the required adjustments, and provide the production program with the necessary resources. This explains the relevance of the topic of this article. The article also analyzes the dynamics of the number of construction organizations by various forms of ownership, the volume of construction work performed, and considers the factors that hinder the development of construction organizations.