Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Evaluation method of imbalance degree of supply and demand on the basis of the fuzzy mis-match scale


Release: 2014-4 (7)

Annotation: Actuality of supply and demand matching on a labor market is shown. Within intellectual management of IT specialist labor market evaluation method of imbalance degree of supply and demand on the basis of an fuzzy mismatch scale is offered. We have developed algorithm of fuzzy classification of labor market conditions by the degree of imbalance of the supply and demand, allowing to carry out a selection from the knowledge base the rule which corresponds to the administrative decision adequate to an estimated situation.

The computerization of process mining material and assessment of students' knowledge: Problems and Prospects


Release: 2014-3 (6)

Annotation: The article discusses the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the educational process using the computerization of learning material and the assessment of student knowledge. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities of using different tests, and therefore different types of questions are analyzed, the probabilistic assessment of their effectiveness is made and further recommendations are given

Self- organization of Internet learning on multi-agent platform HECADEM 5.0


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: Multi-agent approach up to cloud – based Internet learning self- organization is considered. Principles of self-organization of complicated dynamic systems and possibilities of multi-agent approach are discussed. The main ideas of architecture of multi –agent cloud – based Internet learning intellectual platform HECADEM 5.0 are described

Foresight as the most effective tool of development of information technologies industry in Russia


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: In the article the tool of formation of the priority directions of the professional competence of specialists training in the field of information technologies. The main vector of development of the methodology is aimed at more active and purposeful use of expert knowledge.

Visualization methods and tools of decision-making process in the situation center


Release: 2014-5 (8)

Annotation: Situation centers provide information receipt, analysis and visual presentation in real time with use of new methods of information analysis and evaluation as well as support of experts team work directly in the process of problem solution. The most important specific of the situation center – visualization of the process of preparation and decision-making and initiation of intuitive and creative activities of users by information technology means.