Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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The numerical algorithm of implementation of thermo-mechanical model of the dynamics of Elastic-plastic material


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: In this paper a range of questions are considered related to the construction and numerical implementation of a mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of materials under in-tense external disturbances. A simplified thermodynamically correct model of elastically compressible plastic medium is proposed. Based on the method of splitting into physical processes and spatial variables efficient numerical algorithm is constructed for geometrically linear version of the model.

The operators and functionals in the normedspaces (q,p)- forms


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: In article is provided a review of the main results received in the theory of multiplicative automorphic forms ((q,p)- forms) on a compact Riemann surface with links to the published works where it is possible to find their detailed proofs. The embedding theorems in spaces of (q,p)-forms are provided with the proof for demonstration of technique of work with such forms.

Innovation cooperation between Russia and Austria: EZAN experience


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: The analysis of innovation cooperation between Russia and Austria is presented. The activity of EZAN innovation center in Vienna in business cooperation, technology transfer and joint projects development are discussed. Some examples of collaboration are given and perspectives directions of bilateral cooperation in new technology development are dwelled on

Application of the method of correlation adaptometry for the economic system analysis


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: The given article proposes the new method of economic crises foreboding by correlation adaptometry. We have checked the operational capability of this method in some countries.

Human activity and the earth atmosphere


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: Climatic anomalies observed in the last decade raise the question about the reasons of their occurrence. The cyclic changes of paleoclimate from the point of view of the interpretation of the anomalies as natural phenomena are analyzed. Energy-economic flows in the thermal balance of the Earth are compared with dissipation as the result of human activities on the planet. The course to annual increase of the world production will lead to unacceptable climate change by the end of the century