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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: machine learning, expert systems, education of developers
Annotation: The paper describes new types of expert systems. The urgent problem of lack of developers who can create such systems is defined. Some requirements to organize studying process of developers are proposed. How requirements are fulfilled in the center of excellence of EC-leasing Company is shown
Classification Of Texts Containing Formulas
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: text classification, tex format, the block structure of the text, text classification with formulas
Annotation: The paper deals with approaches to the classification of documents that contain formulas. Indicates the importance of accounting for the classification of mathematical formulas and other documents. In addition, the classical methods of classification proposes new approaches that can improve the accuracy of classification.
New Russia – a new liberal education
Release: 2014-5 (8)
Keywords: culture, civilization, strategic project, education, higher education, Humanities, social progress, scientific and technological progress, technocratism, humanitarian criteria of education, in-formation, knowledge, humanitarian responsibility
Annotation: The subject of this work is the analysis emerged a deep contradiction – the essence of which, a deep conflict between culture and civilization in force for various purposes (functions) of the two components of the activity of social man and misalignment of these components of human activity on the stage of industrial and post-industrial development of modern society. Modern society due to the lack of defining the impact of cultural meanings and projects, increasingly becomes a «megamachine» that not having a cultural, humanitarian projects, because of its instrumental nature reproduces itself. People in this system has increasingly become a cog. He no longer produces itself within celovekoboga space of culture, but rather provides the framework of their professional activities this aimless running industrial community. About this dangerous trend recently has stated unequivocally in his speech, Pope Francisco I.
High-performance discrete transformations on NeuroMatrix processors with NMC3 core
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: fast transformation, DCT, FFT, Wavelet, Walsh-Hadamard, NMC, NMC3, NeuroMatrix, NM6406, MB7707
Annotation: The author discusses the performance evaluation of vector computing on NeuroMatrix pro-cessors . The examples of discrete Fourier, cosine, Walsh-Hadamard and wavelet transformations are analysed. The principle of optimal algorithms design is dwelled on. The effectiveness of vector calculations on NeuroMatrix processors is demonstrated
Parameter identification problems in Mathematical modelling of processes
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: parameter identification, model structure, experimental design, local and global identifiability, parameter space
Annotation: The main stages of constructing mathematical models based on experimental data are consi-dered. At each stage the main problems of parametric identification leading to inadequate models are indicated. Special attention is paid to the property of model structure identifiability. Unidentified model structure contains a set of parameters that cannot be uniquely determined from experimental data, even for the ideal experiment. In this case the results of modeling become questionable. Illustrative examples of non-identifiable model structure are given, as well as recommendations for solving this problem.