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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: image analysis, bioinspired algorithms, images verbalization, description logics, linguistic variables, fuzzy attributed relational graph, pattern recognition
Annotation: This paper describes the results of the study to improve the automation degree of universality and effectiveness of the two-dimensional image processing and three-dimensional objects on the basis of famous and hypothetical models of mechanisms of biological systems.
Nanomaterials ontology model
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: mathematical modeling; ontology model; development of knowledge-based systems
Annotation: Using intelligent modeling systems for explaining the results of calculations in terms of a par-ticular domain provides more options by contrast with program systems of other classes. A formally described domain ontology that defines the unambiguous interpretation of the terms makes it possible to develop intelligent modeling systems combining knowledge and data of different sections of this domain and program systems for solving application issues. Nanos-cience is of a cross-disciplinary nature which implies the necessity to use knowledge of various disciplines, i.e. there are ontologies of other domains in this ontology. The paper proposes a mathematical ontology model of the nanomaterials domain with complicated structures and terms from ontologies of organic chemistry and physical chemistry.
The problem of tolerance in the net-centric information management systems
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: network-centric system, distributed system, multiprocessor complex, information security, peer-to-peer network, Byzantine fault, fault tolerance, multitasking
Annotation: The authors discuss the problem of organization of failure and fault-tolerant torango-o, distributed, network-centric information management systems, dynamic-Cesky organized and performing multitasking target for critical applications in distributed overlay computer networks, the most important characteristics, principles and features, philosophical essence from the point of view of fault tolerance. The information about basic theoretical results in the area in question is provided
Actual problems of the organization of unit testing of classes
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: unit testing, refactoring, low coupling, dependency injection, test double, constructor, inversion of control container
Annotation: This work is devoted to description and the analysis of some problems of development of unit tests which are connected with shortcomings of a tested code. Distinguishing attainment sui-tability to unit testing and obtaining short and clear unit tests, the material of work concentrates on the description of design decisions which lead to emergence of unit tests bulky and difficult for reading. Symptoms and signs of such decisions in a tested code of the program are analyzed.
Overview of two-layer neural network in summerdresses analog-to-digital Converter
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: analog-to-digital converter, self-routing, neural network, fault-tolerance
Annotation: The paper deals with upgraded neural network scheme of self-routing analog-to-digital converter. The analysis of the results of two-layer and three-layer neural network is produced and perspectives of self-routing analog-to-digital converter based on neural network are discussed/