Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Organization of packet synchronization in relational databases


Release: 2016-2 (14)

Annotation: The article presents an approach to solving of the problem of structural and informational synchronization in relational databases used in territorial distributed network of organizations. The presented solution is based on the unification and metastructuring of database objects, as well as using information XML-packets sent through the transitional transport web-node.

Problems of research of the processes of self-organization in a web-space


Release: 2016-2 (14)

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of development of interdisciplinary approaches to re-search of the principles of self-organization of a web space and regularities of its communica-tive interactions. As a methodological basis of the research there was chosen synthesis of bio-social interpretations of communicative processes and their simulation by means of a webometrics

Algorithm of program components generation for the model-driven system


Release: 2016-2 (14)

Annotation: Author’s approach to the construction of model-driven system is described. Set-theoretic description of meta-metamodel for Scientific Activity Management System is presented. A set of algorithms for program components generation is suggested

Electrocardiosignal structure analysis expert system development


Release: 2016-2 (14)

Annotation: The paper deals with the process of a cardiological expert system development. The definition of an electrocardiogram is presented. Problems of ECG characteristics determination such as ECG data digitizing are considered. The problem of QRS complex recognition and P and T waves parameters measurement is discussed. A general outline of analysis technique for ECG using wavelet transformation is proposed

Traces of marine natural disasters: a numerical data analysis


Release: 2016-2 (14)

Annotation: We propose a new approach for processing spatial data — the morphological analysis of linear and non-linear structures in conjunction with a spectral decomposition based on the wavelet and shearlet transformations applied to the data about natural disasters