Release: 2013-2

Keywords: funds of evaluation tools , competence-based focused model of training, rating control, solution of electronic estimated tasks (tests), case task
Annotation: In the article the mechanisms of design of funds of evaluation tools in the higher education, providing control and assessment of knowledge, abilities, skills and models of professional activity which are the basis of various competences which have been set by the main educa-tional program are considered. Complex use and combination of traditional methods of exam-ination of knowledge, abilities and methods with innovative approaches, allowing to make assessment of integrity of the formed competences is offered. Approach to the implementation of certification of students on the subject matter on the basis of the competence-based focused model of training, using test techniques of assessment, the case-method and rating control in complex is presented. Experience of development and introduction of complex technique of assessment of formation of competences of graduates in educational process of higher educa-tion institution is analyzed
Rational Model of Mentoring as Condition for Effective Personnel Management in Rus-sian Organization
Keywords: mentoring, mentor, human resource management system, stage of mentoring, mentoring performance criteria
Annotation: This article presents a historical analysis of the mentoring process, problem-oriented analysis of mentoring in Russian organizations, rational model of mentoring, aimed at increasing the motivation of each employee of the organization to productivity and efficiency of the organi-zation, its corporate culture and company collective thinking
To Question of Network Education Program Realization (On Example of Technical Programs)
Keywords: infocommunication and education technologies, interuniversity cooperation, network education program
Annotation: In this article the versions of information, telecommunication and education, including remote, technologies for ensuring student mobility, their realization features and restrictions in Russian Higher education system are analyzed. The approach to the network resources formation, as well as network education program designing and implementation, which is at the approbation stage in Perm National Research Polytechnic University, is offered
«Portal of Knowledge» – Complex Solution for Development of IT Infrastructure for E-Learning and Consulting in System of State Service of Ukraine
Keywords: information technologies, online resources, knowledge management, state administration, web-portals, cloud computing
Annotation: In this article the conception of the «Portal of Knowledge» in the field of state administration, its goal, main tasks and functions, means for creation and principles of structure are suggested
Criteria for Choice of Software for Formation of Modern Information and Educational Environment
Keywords: informational and educational environment, learning management systems, e-learning tools, methodological recommendation
Annotation: Some criteria for choosing software to form informational and educational environment are considered in the article. These criteria are illustrated by ”1C:Education 5.School “ learning management system and its properties for organizing and supporting teaching and learning at secondary schools. Methodological recommendations for organizing modern lesson based on using e-learning tools are also discussed
Training Model of Research of Work of Heart As Pulse System
Keywords: electrical activity of heart, cardiogram, electrode leads, electrical activity of dipole, SQR-complex ECG
Annotation: The paper presents the results of modeling heart work by presenting potential major cardio-graphic leads as three-dimensional projections of the electrical activity of the heart. The novelty of the model is the ability by changing its parameters to describe various pathologies in the cardiogram. One dipole approximation model of variable amplitude , two dipoles with different orientations in space and time delay and three dipoles with fixed orientation in space, but with variable electrical amplitudes in time are considered.
Algorithm of Definition of Economic Parameter Change Period
Keywords: economic parameters, algorithm of period definition, hidden frequency
Annotation: Using a technique of the of statistical decisions theory, the problem of detection of the hidden frequency of change of economic parameters is solved. The technique of assessment of the fluctuation component of the error of the period definition is offered. The results of mathemat-ical modeling are given.
Potential Nondomination in Problems of Choice of Several Best Options
Keywords: problems of choice, partial relations of preference, potential optimality, nondomination, potential nondomination
Annotation: In the article the problems of decision-making about the choice of several best options when there is incomplete information on preferences of the person making the decision are investigated. The set of options for making the choice is presented, and the properties of the options from this set are studied
The Situational Approach to Management of Electronic Document Circulation Between Organization and State Supervising Bodies
Keywords: electronic document circulation, situational approach to management, electronic digital signature, cryptography, supernumerary situations
Annotation: In the article the analysis of arising situations in the system of electronic document circulation between the organization and the state supervising bodies is made. The problem of situational management by electronic document circulation is formulated, the conceptual model for algorithmization of situational management is defined
The mechanism of integration of formation, science and manufacture with application of approach dissymmertry
Keywords: objects of intellectual property; integration of formation, a science and manufacture; national innovative system; the intellectual capital; dissymmertry
Annotation: In the article the mechanism of integration of formation, a science and manufacture with application of the approach dissymmertry in structure of the intellectual capital is considered. It is stated общесистемный a principle of realization of the approach dissymmertry cooperating parts of the intellectual capital at different hierarchical levels on the basis of information-communication technology in structure of National innovative system. The analysis of education systems, sciences and manufactures from the point of view of objective mechanisms of their interoperability and definition of their structure as elements of National innovative system is spent
Organizational Design of Knowledge Management System
Keywords: knowledge economy, intellectual capital, corporate knowledge, knowledge management, organizational design, innovations, information technologies
Annotation: This article examines the modern views on the problem of creating a knowledge management system in the organization as a factor of achievement of corporate performance, create and stimulate innovation. On the basis of analysis of existing approaches to forming the system of knowledge management in the organization identified the main technologies of knowledge management, which simultaneously cover several aspects of management - corporate and information.