Release: 2016-5 (17)

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-3-9
Keywords: management, personnel management, human resource management, recruitment, information technology management, management information systems, human resources, human capital
Annotation: The article analyzes the state and development of the human resource management technologies. The article describes the main strategic and tactical human resource management function. The article gives an analysis of the evolution of human resources management. This article describes the recruitment and E-Recruiting as a variety of human resource management. Described information human resource management system
About features of higher education and science in Germany, France, USA & UK: eyewitness and participant
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-9-20
Keywords: competence, habilitation, attitude, integrity, personality compartmentalization
Annotation: The experience of the work of the teacher in the domestic and foreign systems of higher education and science. It is a comparative analysis of selected approaches to management education and research processes
Information approach in modeling
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-21-26
Keywords: information approach, information models, modeling, types of information models, design, information design, information design, information relations, informational situation, the information units
Annotation: The article reveals the contents of the information approach. The article shows that the information approach is the basis of information modeling. This article describes the modeling techniques used for solving applied problems. This article describes three types of models according to their degree of abstraction. This article describes the types of modeling. This article describes the relationship between the model and information design. The article describes the content of the information structure. This article describes the main areas of application of information design as part of the information approach
Suggestions on the development of the intellectual system targeted on bionic research support
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-27-33
Keywords: intellectual system, information support system, expert system, knowledge base, bionics, bionic technologies, Java programming language
Annotation: The former article contains suggestions on the development of the specific software for intellectual support of research and development of bionic technologies. Also it provides structural representation of this system, displays technical requirements for its functions and substantiates the choice of programming language
Neurocomputing technologies` implementation in decision support system for bionic research
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-34-39
Keywords: information system, innovation support, thesaurus, natural language processing, knowledge engineering, bionic information resources
Annotation: The former article regards an intellectual system which provides information support for bionic technologies` research and development. The main focus is on its integrative capacity what can be achieved by specific integration modules which utilize the potential of non-classic computing architectures. The premises for such integration are provided, the basic concepts of integrative modules` architecture are discussed
Methods and algorithms of information interpretation
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-39-49
Keywords: knowledge, information, information interpretation, text analysis, linguistics, computational linguistics, semantics, communication, information situation, information design, information units, information field, semantic field
Annotation: This article describes the methods and algorithms of interpretation of information. This article describes the methods and algorithms for text analysis. Information interpretation is revealed as a technology model application information situations, information structures and information units. This article describes the different types of interpretation associated with the analysis of the text. This article describes the process of information exchange as one of the types of information interpretation
Building of domestic computer systems profile
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-49-56
Keywords: profile information technologies, standardized specifications, computer systems, systems analysis
Annotation: Systematic approach to building IT-profile of the organization as the functional complex of interacting software and hardware parts is considered. The system model of the IT – profile is presented, which is founded on system principles of analysis (selection) and fusion (aggregation) functionality profile elements. Prospects of building a profile of the domestic development of computer systems based on the latest achievements in the field of information technology are considered
Geoinformatics as method of cognition
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-56-62
Keywords: knowledge, geoinformatics, geoinformatics fundamental, applied geoinformatics, geodata, geoinformation approach, information approach, interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge, information resources
Annotation: This article describes Geoinformatics as a tool for knowledge of the world. This article describes the division of geoinformatics and applied to the total. The article points to the existence of geo-information and geoinformation analysis approach as the scientific methods of geoinformatics. The article compares the informatics and geoinformatics. This article describes the similarities and differences between these sciences. Total Geoinformatics is a fundamental science. Applied Geoinformatics solve the technological problem domain
Geodetic support digital modeling
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-62-71
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, modeling, digital modeling, digital models, spatial digital models, the technology of spatial information, survey methods, space geodesy
Annotation: This article describes surveying methods, which are used to obtain spatial information. This information is used to build digital models and digital simulations. The article recommends the introduction of a new term "spatial digital model" for differences with digital models used in communication technologies. The article analyzes the main technology of the spatial coordinates, which are used to generate digital models. This article describes the prospects for the development of digital modeling. The article shows that the main task of digital simulation is to obtain new knowledge
Virtual spatial map
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-72-80
Keywords: applied geoinformatics, virtual map, spatial models, digital models, digital maps, three-dimensional maps, electronic cartography, information construction, information units
Annotation: The article describes a model of a virtual map that is used for many purposes. The article shows that this model is the development of digital models and digital maps. This article describes the technology of construction of the virtual map. The article describes the possibilities of the virtual map in addressing training and management tasks. The article shows that the basis of the virtual map compositions are information units. The article proves that the virtual map closer to the spatial information model than to a cartographic model
Georeference in spatial relations
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-80-86
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, georeference, geocoding, georeferencing, spatial analysis, information units, modeling, information engineering, information field, a field variable
Annotation: This article describes the georeference, as a special object of study Geoinformatics. Georeference in the application area is the description of spatial relations. Linguistics defines the reference of the geometry as a derivative reference. The logic determines the reference of the geometry as a logical chain. Information field specifies the reference of the geometry as a field variable. This article describes the implementation of georeference information units through the fund and actualizer
The ontological approach geoinformatics
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-86-95
Keywords: ontology, knowledge, ontological approach, interpretation of information, axiomatic approach, productive approach, empirical approach, geoinformatics, subject area, subject field of geoinformatics, information construction, conceptualization, specification
Annotation: The article reveals the contents of the ontological approach in Geoinformatics as a tool to describe knowledge. The article covers the basics of interpretation of information to gain knowledge. This article describes the contents of the three groups of interpretation. The two groups are a priori. One group is a posteriori. The article reveals the contents of ontology as a comprehensive, integrated description. The article analyzes the definition of ontologies. Article formulates the concept of ontology in geoinformatics. The article analyzes the subject field of geoinformatics. The article introduces a structural model of domain ontology geoinformatics. The article proves that the ontology is a means of interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge between different subject areas
Spatial trinitarian analysis
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-95-102
Keywords: applied geoinformatics, complex system, the Trinitarian system, spatial analysis, spatial analysis of the Trinitarian, triad, dyad, the Delaunay partition
Annotation: This article describes the spatial analysis of Trinitarian. The article argues that the basis of the analysis is a Trinitarian Trinitarian system. This article describes the two analyzes trends based on the decomposition of complex systems on the trinitarian and the creation of complex systems based on the trinitarian. The article shows that the trinitarian system more general concept compared with the triangle. The article proves that the trinitarian system are spatial simplex. The article shows that the trinitarian system is non-linear and therefore not always be reduced to linear dyadic system. The article displays two features Trinitarian systems
Information situation in geoinformatics
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-103-108
Keywords: applied geoinformatics, information models, modeling, information situation, the spatial information situation
Annotation: The article analyzes the model information of the situation in geoinformatics. The article reveals the contents of the information model of the situation. This article describes the types of integration models in geoinformatics: integration from below and from above integration. This article describes the features of the use of the model information of the situation in geoinformatics. The article shows the difference between the situation in information science and geoinformatics. The article introduces a new term "spatial situation information" for the difference information of the situation in Geoinformatics from the information of the situation in science. This article describes the contents of the spatial information of the situation. This article describes the difference between the internal and external spatial information situation. The article argues that the information situation can be a medium for the control object. The article argues that the spatial information situation may be subject to control.