Journal headings
"Legal sciences"

Constitutional and municipal lawCivil, business and contract lawCriminal law and criminalisticsLegal aspects of classification and standardizationRostrum of the young scientistCustoms and financial lawIssues of theory and history of lawContent, problems and trends in the development of public lawRelevant issues of private lawRelevant aspects of criminal law, criminal proceedings and criminalisticsLegal proceedings. Prosecutorial and human rights activitiesAll rubrics

All rubrics

Operational and personal activities related to providing transport security on objects of rail, air and water transport: normative framework and features of implementation


Release: 2018-2 (15)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-2-61-70

Annotation: This article is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of the legal regulation of the activities of subdivisions of the internal affairs bodies on certain types of transport.

Topical issues of process and security of the federal penitentiary service of russia


Release: 2018-1 (14)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-1-58-60

Annotation: The article discusses: the love-process activities of the Federal service of execution the case of the Russian Federation; the activities of the special forces units of the Federal service for the execution scenario, when the security of this structure.

Problems of criminal liability for falsification of evidence, under art. 303 of the criminal code


Release: 2018-4 (18)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-4-67-72

Annotation: The article discusses the problematic aspects of criminal responsibility for falsifying evidence. The criminal law characteristic of the specified crime is given. Formulated proposals for the improvement of legislation in the studied area of relations.

Thermography in forensics: the concept and meaning


Release: 2018-3 (17)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-3-59-61

Annotation: The article deals with the main issues of the use of equipment based on the properties of long-wave infrared radiation in operational and investigative practice. The author defines the most promising areas of application of knowledge of thermography in the detection, detection and investigation of crimes.

Actual aspects of prevention of family violence


Release: 2018-2 (15)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-2-71-74

Annotation: The article reveals the multifaceted nature of the problem of family violence, causes and conditions generating family and domestic criminality are analyzed, measures of prevention of family violence are considered.