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"Legal sciences"
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Release: 2017-4 (13)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-5-11
Keywords: Russian State, law, society, convergence
Annotation: In this article on the basis of an analysis of the influence of various factors on the development of the Russian State and law in different historical periods tries to show status of domestic public law mechanism not only in past and present, but also to determine the prospects for its possible development in the foreseeable future.
The state of legal education in contemporary Russia and the problem of raising the quality of training for lawyers
Release: 2017-3 (12)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-8-14
Keywords: legal education and public universities, private universities, the quality of education, textbooks, teachers, students
Annotation: This article discusses the history, present state and main directions of further improving the quality of legal education in the Russian Federation.
Russian parliamentarism: features of origin and present
Release: 2017-2 (11)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-3-10
Keywords: Russian parliamentarianism; Russian civilization; government reform; Russian conflict; inconsistency of Russian history
Annotation: The article examines the nature of the Russian parliamentarism as the reflection characteristics of the historical development of the Russian statehood, including referred to the influence of European and Asian civilization on the Russian state, hypertrophied role of the supreme state power in the Russian society, a permanent process of state reform and conflict of Russian statehood and others. Disclosed are the most characteristic features of the present stage of Russian parliamentarism
Modernization of human rights: major trends
Release: 2017-1 (10)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-1-3-8
Keywords: lawmaking, modernization of law-making, civil society, crowdsourcing, normative legal act
Annotation: The article is devoted consideration consideration of major trends modernization of law-making in the Russian Federation. The author gives some offers on current legislation improvement in this area
Russia: 1917 revolutionary legislation as a natural stage in the development of domestic law
Release: 2017-4 (13)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-12-15
Keywords: civilization, society, the State, the right of revolution, legislation
Annotation: Reflecting on contemporary issues of legal development in Russia, whether revolutionary legislation a logical step of development of domestic law, it has become increasingly clear that without understanding the past not realising and not would those ancient events, we will never be able to find the correct road to the future.