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"Legal sciences"
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Release: 2017-3 (12)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-15-18
Keywords: legal education, values education, Federal State educational standard of higher education in the GEF)
Annotation: The article contains an analysis of the education from the perspective of its perception as a value and as an embodiment of consumer interest. For example, Federal State educational standard of higher education looks at the issue of waiver of the correspondence form of training for the first education and contradiction standards on language educational activities formulated in the standard norms of Russian legislation.
Psychological theory of law l. I. Petrazhickogo, its essence and significance to contemporary legal science
Release: 2017-2 (11)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-2-10-13
Keywords: psychological theory, positive law, positive law, morality
Annotation: The article discusses some of the provisions of the psychological theory of law of L. Petrazhitsky. There are many benefits of this theory, its importance for the development of law in General and American schools
Some aspects of application of a qr code when concluding final vote protocols by parliamentary election commissions
Release: 2017-1 (10)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-1-8-11
Keywords: Elections, electoral process, electoral technologies, QR-code, vote counting, voters
Annotation: The article: The article is devoted to the application of QR-code on the final protocols of PECs. It discusses the specifics of using this kind of data coding when compiling the final voting protocols of the PEC, the feasibility of this technical innovation in the work of election commissions of various levels. Using the analysis of the practice of organizing this data coding system in the conduct of elections in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it can be concluded that the use of this kind of technical systems will make it possible to more effectively resolve the question of counting the votes and increase the level of confidence in the elections held in the Russian Federation, , And by international observers
Social policy and development of the social state
Release: 2017-4 (13)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-16-22
Keywords: Russian Constitution, social policy, state, social sphere, object, subject, subject of social policy, the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the social state
Annotation: The variety of definitions “social policy” is considered, five groups of approaches to this concept are singled out, internal and external aspects of social policy are outlined, types of subjects of social policy are outlined, federal, regional and municipal levels of social policy and its significance for the development of the social state are considered.
Legal education in the USA: current issues and challenges
Release: 2017-3 (12)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-19-23
Keywords: legal education, US law schools, legal guarantees of higher education, discrimination
Annotation: The article analyzes modern trends and challenges of legal education in the USA, examines different approaches of American researchers to improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of modern legal education in the USA, explores the opportunities for using positive and negative experience of North American legal education to improve the training of lawyers in this country.