Journal headings
"Legal sciences"

Constitutional and municipal lawCivil, business and contract lawCriminal law and criminalisticsLegal aspects of classification and standardizationRostrum of the young scientistCustoms and financial lawIssues of theory and history of lawContent, problems and trends in the development of public lawRelevant issues of private lawRelevant aspects of criminal law, criminal proceedings and criminalisticsLegal proceedings. Prosecutorial and human rights activitiesAll rubrics

All rubrics

The activities of the association of law schools to improve the quality of legal education in the Russian Federation


Release: 2017-3 (12)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-63-66

Annotation: This article examines the forms and methods of work of the Association of law schools to improve the quality of legal education in the universities of the Russian Federation.

Innovative educational approaches to the study of criminalistics


Release: 2017-3 (12)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-67-73

Annotation: The article considers the issues connected with the procedure and the possibilities of application of active and interactive learning methods when conducting training in forensic science. Also marked with individual recommendations on the use of game techniques in the study of this discipline.

The use of interactive forms of training in conducting seminars and practical classes on discipline «criminal law»


Release: 2017-3 (12)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-74-77

Annotation: The article considers the problem of implementing interactive forms of learning during lessons on discipline “Criminal law”, describes the well-established interactive methods, reveals the methodology of the seminars and practical classes on General and Special parts of criminal law.

Features of application of active and interactive forms and methods in the study of the discipline “criminal procedure


Release: 2017-3 (12)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-78-83

Annotation: The article analyzes the potential use of active and interactive forms and methods in the study of the main themes of the discipline “criminal proceedings”

Formation of intolerant attitude to corruption as one of the priorities of modern Russian legal education


Release: 2017-3 (12)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-3-84-86

Annotation: The article deals with the mechanisms of formation of the position of future lawyers intolerant to corruption factors in the process of professional training in the university.