Release: 2014-2 (5)

Keywords: united economic space, customs union, euroasian economic association, civilized choice of Slavonic and other countries
Annotation: The article gives reasons for historical inevitability of preservation of peoples unity of Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine on the basis of realization of integration project of “United economic space”, the centre of which becomes “Euroasian economic association”, the contradictions arising on this way and methods of their solutions are being revealed
SergeyYulievichWitte. Thepoliticalportrait
Keywords: In this article thumbnail portrait uhvachena milestones biographies Witte, but certainly not all. Nevertheless, it embodied the brightness and scale figures Witte, his originality. The role and importance of a political leader is especially significant turning points in history. Comp-build political portrait Witte is possible not only on the basis of his actions, studies, memories of him that appeared in the beginning of the XX century, but also in his own memoirs, where his talent as a writer
Annotation: Sergey Yulievich Witte, a political portrait, education, Petersburg society, character, public thinking
Anti-corruption in Russia today: praxeological, analytical and prognostic aspects
Keywords: state anti-corruption policy; ideological component in overcoming corruption; ensuring the participation of the state in the material support of civil society in combating corruption
Annotation: Based on an analysis of the methodological, conceptual and theoretical aspects of the state anti-corruption policy of Russia, the Report reveals urgent problems to be solved both at the level of scientific support of the theory, and at the level of law enforcement practices, in view of the competencies and characteristics of subjects of public administration in the field of combating corruption. The Report pays attention to the disclosure and generalization of the trends and approaches in the implementation of the management activities, which are crucial in the implementation of the frameworks of national anti-corruption policies and practices. The Report reiterates the significance of public-private partnerships as the fundamental principle of solving the problems identified. As an example, the author provides the results of a twenty-year-long research of anti-corruption activities and the results of monitoring conducted in 2007-2014
Problems of legal status of Constitutional collection of Russian Federation
Keywords: The Constitution, Federal constitutional law, the Constitutional Assembly, the Constitutional Court
Annotation: The article is devoted to the formation of a Constitutional Assembly is the only body authorized to fix the revised provisions 1, 2 and 9 chapters of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The article provides an analysis of the draft Federal constitutional Law "On the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation"
Keywords: mechanism of legal regulation, legal mechanism, the mechanism of lawmaking, legal, public-private partnership, social partnership legislation
Annotation: Based on the analysis of the methodological aspects, identifying the conceptual and legal framework, the need to develop science-based system of public-private partnership, creating organizational and legal conditions focuses on disclosure and summarizing trends and approaches to strengthen and improve the legal mechanism of public-private partnerships to improve the efficiency of public administration in theory and practice of implementation of the state policy in the approval of civil society, legal, social state in Russia
Whether we need changes or loyalty to traditions of national right is necessary
Keywords: legal system, system of right, continental right, common law, case-law, constitutionalism, judicial practice
Annotation: The system of basic sources of the Russian right is examined in the article, correlation of national and international legal experience is analysed, adherence to the new models of construction of legislation and loyalty to existent legal traditions
The valued priorities in the development of right in modern Russia
Keywords: freedom, equality, formal legal equality, actual equality, norms of privilege, norms of limitation
Annotation: In the article the basic valued categories of right are examined such as freedom, equality. Their realization is shown in the modern legal system of Russia, the different points of view are considered on the prospect of legal development of the Russian state
From the theory of victory to victory of theory: analysis of military-theoretical looks to character of future war in the USSR (1921–1924). To The Seventieth Anniversary of Great Victory
Keywords: policy, imperialistic state, idea, soviet work, political character
Annotation: In this article the system of military-theoretical looks is presented to character of a future possible war in the USSR in inter-soldiery years (1921–1941), dignities and lacks of military doctrine, military strategy and theory of the soviet state. Therefore, one of the most essential native problems of soviet military doctrine was making a general look of this question
Patriotic education of youth: problems and main directions of its improvement
Keywords: Patriotic education; youth; functions of patriotism
Annotation: In article the urgency of Patriotic education of youth in our time. Consider ways of further improve-ment of Patriotic education of youth.
The priorities of education policy in the Russian Federation: trends and patterns
Keywords: education, modern education policy, streamlined and balanced system of modern legislation on education, the harmonization of federal, regional (constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and local (municipal) sources of educational law
Annotation: The article deals with the content, the legal nature of the educational policy in the Russian Federation; addresses the priority areas for the improvement of its organization. An important part of the article is devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of education policy. The conclusion is that there is still a lot of conflicts between federal legislation on education and individual provisions of international legal instruments
The prospects of state building in a legal management, science and education
Keywords: The education system, university science, project method, methods and principles of network rules, practice-oriented diploma design
Annotation: Article shows the critical points of the modern system of education and science, and the proposed project method, simulation techniques, methods of network rights et al., Which will build productive university science, strengthen the practical orientation of training and issue experts, ready to solve any industrial and scientific problems
Uncertainty of virtual legal relations in Telecommunication networks
Keywords: civil law, types of risk, telecommunications systems, information, uncertainty, virtuality
Annotation: The author conducted a study of types of telecommunications risks arising in the course of civil relations in telecommunication systems
Development of the institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) in Russia :historical experience and modernity
Keywords: The article presents a brief retrospective analysis of the formation and development of domestic bankruptcy institution , whose role has steadily increased with the expansion of trade relations in the country and entrepreneurial activity . It is noted that conditions in the revival of market relations in the post-Soviet period significantly increased demand in legal regulation of economic insolvency subjects reflected the modern experience of data generation processes
Annotation: insolvency (bankruptcy); types of insolvency; monuments of Russian law; modern bankruptcy laws
Commercialization of the results of headwork
Keywords: commercialization, headwork, sole right, civil law, turn, Civil code of Russian Federation, competition, license, contract
Annotation: The article presents one of the most important tasks of the state in the field of intellectual property rights is the involvement of intellectual property into circulation. Exclusive rights to participate in public circulation, may be the subject of transactions. To date, the legislation provides for the registration of a patent license agreements, franchise agreements and agreements on transfer of computer programs and databases
The difference of the employment contract from civil contracts
Keywords: labor, contract, civil law, civil-legal agreements, labor contract, labor law, labor contract, the subjects, problems, the employer, employee
Annotation: The article considers the problem of differences of the employment contract from civil law contracts. The author examines the issues related to the specifics of legal regulation of labour, as labour and civil law; solutions available in practice the problems associated with a particular value of the employment contract in the formation of the employment relationship