Headings of the journal
"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Fundamental foundations of the economy of joint consumption


Release: 2017-4 (23)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-21-26

Annotation: This article is devoted to the topic of joint consumption and its importance for changing the approach to economics and project management in the Internet industry and services. The authors consider the conse-quences of shared economy. On the one hand, joint consumption should reduce the demand for durable goods. On the other hand, joint consumption should increase the demand for these products. The authors conclude that the share economy strengthens competition - and, as the history of the devel-opment of market relations shows, redistribution of economic benefits in favor of consumers should be expected. They argue that one of the main obstacles to the development of social capital in our country is the degradation of the political system, the lack of competition, the total nationalization of the economy, the paternalization of society and the inhibition of the formation of civil society. And yet the specificity of Russian reality is that the economy of joint consumption has the potential for significant growth.

Analysis of social and economic development of the city of Astana


Release: 2017-3 (22)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-3-24-31

Annotation: In given to article social and economic development of the city of Astana is considered, data for a row of years are provided, indicators of the industry, a financial system, health care, education, etc. are studied.

Evolution of the theory of competition


Release: 2017-2 (21)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-2-21-30


Assessment of the feasibility of sustainable ecological and socio-economic development of Russia


Release: 2017-1 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2017-1-20-27

Annotation: The article assesses the sustainability of society on the three pillars: economic and ecological well-being, human well-being. Country comparison is carried out on indicators and is determined by the place of Russia in the global society. It is concluded that at any given time, Russia does not have a steady-state, identifies the causes of this situation. Is determined by the potential for sustainable development, outlining the activities to achieve it

On development of the methodology of analysis and assessment of socioec-onomic development of regions


Release: 2017-4 (23)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-27-36

Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of the monitoring and evaluation system of social and economic in-dicators of the development of Russian regions. The systematization and analysis of the composition of the results used to evaluate indicators and methods of ranking are carried out. The dynamics of approach-es to such an assessment and their linkage with the results of the activities of the executive authorities of the regions and the allocation of budgetary funds is examined. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of monitoring the socio-economic development of the regions, identify the target areas for such an assessment and the prospects for its improvement.