Release: 2015-4 (15)

2015-4 (15)


Analysis of financial balance of assets and liabilities balance – the basis of assessment of financial stability and solvency of the enterprise


Annotation: In a market economy, stable development of enterprises largely depends on their financial stability. Resilience allows you to survive in the changing external and internal environment, enables maneuvering in cash, but also contributes to the smooth process of production. The article presents a theoretical study of financial sustainability and solvency of the company through the achievement of financial balance between articles of assets and liabilities balance

Attraction of private investments in the heating sphere


Annotation: In article the model of attraction of private investments into development of the heating organization. Heating is one of the most important branches of the Russian economy as in social, and production aspects that does this sphere attractive to public-private partnership

Management of development of municipal economy in the period structural transformation in the economy


Annotation: The article talks about how serious the problem of poor quality of urban governance in the country, as well as the mechanisms through which it is possible to resolve this issue, as well as to organize the conditions for the further development and modernization of municipal economy in Russia

Spatial approach in development strategies of regions


Annotation: In the context of crisis processes in the economy are experiencing severe difficulties with the temporary Russian regions. Overcoming the existing specialization of the regions, on the one hand, the growing competition of regions for investments and the markets, on the other, require new approaches, methods and tools to the formation of regional strategies. Need a system of territory management, which will ensure their sustainable development. The article substantiates the necessity of introducing a spatial approach to formation of strategy of development of regions

Budgeting as an element of city financial resources management


Annotation: Actuality of this article is inseparably linked with planning and budgeting of socio-economic development of the city and long-range budget planning. Theoretical and practical interest to problems of budgeting in the system of urban financial resources management is a great economic concernment of all urban establishments in their successful solution of setted goals, stimulate further research on this topic. The actuality and insufficience of scientific elaborateness of theoretical and methodological problems and also the great practical relevance of further development of budgeting in the system of urban management predetermined the name of the article

Socio – economic development of the city of Novy Urengoy


Annotation: The society is the Foundation of any state. Based on this fact, it can be concluded, that a competent socio – economic policy that the basis for a prosperous development of the state. A key aspect in this issue is to increase the standard of living of the population, namely: level of education and culture, intellectual potential of society, development of the quality of health care, housing

Technologies of planning and forecasting of the construction industry


Annotation: The article is concerned with issues of new methods of urban development planning. Development of construction industry in the crisis is considered by the example of Noyaborsk. Author notes the need of new approaches to technology of planning and forecasting in construction industry

Audit methods for detection financial violations


Annotation: In modern conditions due to the need to develop mechanisms for combating crime economic orientation – financial investigations. In their qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the criminal attacks are a threat to economic security and necessitate the development of mechanisms for their detection and investigation

Mechanisv for sustainable functioning utilities in crisis economic development of the city


Annotation: This article is concerned with the background of the emergence of housing and communal services crisis in the country and also presented mechanisms in order to stabilize situation, create a positive dynamic of quality growth in public service during 2015 crisis

Aleksin - monocity in the 21st century


Annotation: The article describes the crises of single-industry towns for example the city of Aleksin, Tula region. Measures taken by the state, also presents the current potential of the city, as the city-forming enterprises, reveals the potential of the city from the point of view of attractiveness and prospects of development

Social and economic development of the city of Tomsk


Annotation: In article the social and economic development of the city of Tomsk is described. The analysis is carried out, tendencies are revealed, and also measures for improvement of a social and economic development of the city are offered

Marketing Approach to Management is the key to the Economic Prosperity of Enterprises


Annotation: In this scientific article the author emphasizes the importance of the development of up-to-date marketing technologies on the basis of the research connected with the productive forces formation in terms of the highest competition. In the article the result of formation of new relationships between consumers and producers of goods and services is considered, the ways of solving the problem are given

The development of methods of acceptance of administrative decisions on the basis of the matrix distribution of the administrative management tasks


Annotation: The basic method for constructing the matrix of distribution administrative tasks – control. Describes the range of tasks that can be solved with the development of methods for managerial decision-making based on the matrix ONCE. Proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of making and implementing management decisions based on the matrix ONCE

The state and prospects of development of sea ports of Russia


Annotation: This article describes the development of sea ports of Russia in the period from 2010 to the present, but also includes a number of target programs aimed at development of sea ports up to 2030-ears

Target system-structural planning and strategic management breakthrough economics in the new economic structure


Annotation: Selection of structural type of economy transition to an innovative society is based on the formation of technological basis of structural development and breakthrough of key technologies and the formation of technological platforms of the VI technological mode, the steps for using scientific and technical advances in the reproduction. Russia needs to develop a special state innovation and investment policy in the implementation of its main directions

Use of information technologies and system in management of logistics of the enterprise


Annotation: The importance of use of information technologies at all stages of production, and also introduction of information logistics as most important factor of increase of competitive advantages of the organization has been shown in the article

Analytical tools financial investigation


Annotation: The criminalization of the financial and economic relations in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 allocated to strategic risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere. This is due to the need to develop mechanisms for combating crime economic orientation – financial investigations